5 mistakes people make as they miss out on Purchasing Tickets for a huge event

vintage cinema tickets
vintage cinema tickets

Whenever a big event is announced there is guaranteed to be excitement among those who wish to attend. Whether it’s for a major sporting contest, a gig featuring a world star, or even a theatre show, which is likely to break box office sales, there will be massive demand for tickets. And sadly, some people will be disappointed in missing out.

However, there are many times that those who do miss out have done so because they are not following the proper route and can be disorganised. They might not have considered a ticket marketplace as a solution or other options. Here are 5 common mistakes people who miss out on tickets make which are completely avoidable.

  1. Sometimes awareness about an upcoming event might come through receiving messages from friends or seeing it being advertised on social media. It can sometimes be announced on TV or radio, or it’s discussed during a night out when everyone seems excited. Whenever the information is found, an alarm and reminder should be entered on a mobile device to act on it the following day. Instead, people forget and then find they are too late.
  2. Not checking the dates and making alternative plans to make sure someone is free for the event means that they cannot go. It might be because work cannot grant leave as they already have members of staff wanting to take time off to attend. It is important to act quickly so that events like the Melbourne Fringe Festival can be attended.
  3. There are many hard luck stories told by those who miss out on buying tickets when they have an opportunity because they have planned badly. It might not have set reminders, but often it’s because they haven’t budgeted properly. That means by the time their monthly salary is paid into the bank, the tickets have been sold out. Anyone who attends events frequently is advised to save a few dollars for when something new is announced.
  4. While there might be an initial announcement that all tickets have been sold out there is another way of obtaining them online which is covered by the same rights to customers as physical sales. The secondary sales option can often find a way for someone to attend as an agency purchases tickets that are not required from reputable sources and then sells them to those looking to purchase. They allow customers to register an interest and then contact them if there is any availability to save disappointment. It’s amazing just how many people don’t explore this avenue.
  5. Dithering often leads to disappointment the same as in everyday life. Those who put off approaching a person that they find attractive often find that someone else jumps in first. Ticket sales wait for no one and are guaranteed not to suddenly become cheaper if anyone is naïve enough to believe that will happen.

Those wanting to guarantee tickets to an event should become organised, get in first, or use a ticket marketplace.


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