7 Stretching & Exercise to Relieve in Lower Back Pain

exercise to relieve in lower back pain
exercise to relieve in lower back pain

Low back pain is one of the most uncomfortable complaints. You do not need anything serious to suffer them: a bad posture when sitting, a physical effort greater than normal, or simply a bad movement can trigger them.

Although the extreme is to suffer a lumbago attack, certainly very painful, our body can warn us that something is wrong in that area with previous pain. Therefore, this is one of those cases in which prevention is essential. The way to do it? Through stretching and, of course, healthy habits, both posture and in our routine.

It is essential always to stay active, well-hydrated, take care of our diet, and respect sleep and rest guidelines. Beyond the most basic advice, the professional recommends being careful with some of our postures daily.

In the case of lumbago, the best stretch is the one called micro-movements of the lumbar area since they release a lot of possible disc compression and favor the movement of the lower back. At the same time, relaxing it, always doing it slowly with abdominal breathing.

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Seven exercises to prevent low back pain

From the clinic, they leave several examples of exercises that can help us stretch this area, relieve pain, and prevent it.

1. Make the pelvis more flexible

Stand with your feet parallel and a flexible ball under your lower back (sacrum). You must perform, with the spine and pelvis, circular movements and rotations on the ball back and forth, and to one side and the other.

2. Column rotation

On our side, we stand with the leg at a 90-degree angle, on a rolled mat, a roller, or a similar item. We will make gentle movements by rolling the mat back and forth and complete with spinal rotations.

3. Spine movements with chair or table

With your feet and hands parallel and supported on a stable base such as a chair or table, alternate movements keeping both feet on the floor, lifting your heels while bringing your head towards your chest, feeling your entire backstretch. It would help if you relaxed your shoulders at all times. You must connect with your breath to feel the stretch.

4. Micromotion of the lumbar area

Place one hand on each knee and bring your legs toward your abdomen as you breathe out. Feel the stretch of the lumbar area with slight movements in all directions in the area. Feel the massage that this posture generates in the abdomen.

5. Stretching to improve posture

We will use a stick or similar element (it can be a broom) to perform the pose. With your feet parallel to your hips, prop yourself up on the pole. We should always feel the relaxation in the elbows and shoulders to protect the area. We will help ourselves with a slight bending of the knees, and we will feel how the spine relaxes and is straight. At all times, we breathe with the abdomen to feel a correction of posture. The lower back stretcher is one of the very effective ways to combat lower pain.

Be careful not to produce excess curvature in the lumbar areas or feel discomfort in the cervical area!

6. General stretching

We should always breathe easily. Bring your hands to the ground, always bending your knees while bringing your chest closer to your thighs. If you can’t touch the ground, bend your knees a little more. Slightly stretch your legs without taking your feet’ soles off the ground and hold as long as you can.

To get up, always taking in air, bend your knees again and get up little by little, vertebra by vertebra, thus slowly feeling the stretch.

7. Sport exercise

If we talk about exercises that, in general, can help with lower back pain. Some certain practices and exercises promote mobility, flexibility, and strengthening of the spine, and it is proven that they help prevent injuries.

These would be, for example, swimming, Pilates, or yoga. Still, remember that not all practices produce the same results in all people, nor do all people need to perform the same practices.


Therefore, ultimately, professionals’ advice is that if we feel repeated pain, go to a professional who will advise us individually.

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