It has been part of a daily ritual for everybody when a parent reminds their infant to wash their hands prior to dinner or sign off meals or the day with clean hands and a flush of water on our faces after a rough day. However, once the pandemic coronavirus erupted, it taught us once again how crucial hygiene and sanitation are. When the pandemic escalated, sanitisers’ supply became inadequate, as washing solvents and fluids ran out of stock. With supplies now depleting and demand increasing, cut to almost a year after the pandemic. COVID-19 got us down to the basics again, as our best bet to abstain from the virus until the vaccination drive has covered a substantial proportion of our population; social distancing and constant sanitisation are the stairs for a safer tomorrow. Organisations such as OziFresh have served in the sanitisation and hygiene sector for more than a decade and hold expertise in disinfecting the office or home premises.
In an official work environment, sanitisation and maintaining adequate hygiene become paramount since employees from different areas walk into the premises, and it is hard to keep tabs on everybody’s health. The importance of keeping a clean bathroom also comes to the forefront as it is one of the focal points for contacting any disease due to its high vulnerability to bacterias and other enzymes. Multiple microorganisms and pathogens can dwell on the surface for up to a week or more if not cleaned properly. Employees succumbing to these diseases would hamper their health and affect the efficiency and productivity of the organisation due to loss in manpower and overall working hours.
Major corporate hubs in Melbourne or Brisbane maintain a high standard of cleanliness and sanitation on their premises because they are fully aware of the repercussions of ignoring this aspect of a healthy working environment. Companies operating specifically on the eastern coast of the country know their way around providing offices with a healthy environment. Be it supplying bathroom essentials or installing sanitising stations or disinfectants around the area, these companies excel at their operations. Supplying sanitary bins or ordering for an outbreak preventing fog companies like OziFresh with the help of superior technical advancements, these companies get their job done in no time.
A common issue faced by women employed at these corporate hubs was the availability of mechanisms for disposal of their sanitary pads, which would not leave any odour behind and also ensure environmentally safe measures for their adequate disposal. Now, companies have found viable solutions to such circumstances by installing sanitary pads dispensing machines in the bathroom. Also, bins make sure the surrounding stays hygienic, and the overall cleanliness is maintained, leaving no odour behind. At the end of the day, small initiatives like this make the working environment more welcoming and conducive for all the employees, which in return increases their efficiency and the overall productivity of the business.
Covid-19 has sensitised us about the importance of maintaining cleanliness in the office and inculcated the habit of regular washing of hands and maintaining hygiene in ones surrounding. Our country might have overcome the catastrophe this pandemic has dawned upon different countries, but it is the responsibility of the citizens to uphold the safety norms and also when it comes to working in close proximity in offices, proper sanitisation and social distancing in crowded spaces is our best chance to fight this atrocity on the whole of mankind.