This sci-fi animated movie follows the misadventures of a self-acknowledged boy genius 15-year-old high school student, Danny Dawkins (Jamie Bell)
As the inventor of the dog-cleaning, flea-freezing Nano-Bot, he discovers his courageous self-discovery and makes new friends in the 5th Dimension
After failing to win a science project and narrowly being saved from the school bullies, Danny is offered a scholarship to attend the very secretive and highly prestigious Cranston Academy by the principal Ms Evans (Ellie Piercy).
Once at the Academy, it doesn’t take long before he realises that as a new kid, he once again finds it challenging to fit in. He also learns that in a school full of geniuses where getting 99% out of 100 is considered a fail, things can get quite competitive. Wanting to fit in, he desperately searches for something that can prove that he is as intelligent as everyone else in the class.
After discovering a broken atomic particle reactor, he sets out to prove that he deserves to be at the Academy by fixing the reactor and discovering a new particle.
Reluctantly aided by his, just as confident roommate Liz (Ruby Rose), [who just happens to be the daughter of his scientific hero] Danny manages to restart the reactor and accidentally opens a portal into the 5th Dimension.
Being an incurable inquisitive, Danny wastes no time and investigates what is on the other side of the portal. To his horror, he finds all kinds of colourful and scary monsters such as giant flying eyeballs, two-headed dogs and a slimy pink thing with tentacles.
Narrowly making it back to his own Dimension he is unable to close the portal and soon realises that the monsters are escaping and causing mayhem in school.
After discovering that one of the not-so-scary monsters is actually a Cranston professor who disappeared years ago and is now a half-man half-moth named Mothman (Idzi Dutkiewicz), Danny join forces with Liz and their new moth-human hybrid friend to fight the monsters, save the Academy and of course be a hero.
Cranston Academy: Monster Zone is a Mexican-American-British-Canadian animated/horror/sci-fi/comedy directed by Leopoldo Aguilar
This is a fun-filled, colourfully creepy, but not too scary, spooky, but not too bizarre adventure ideal for pre-teens and their adventure-loving parents to find amusement during the school holiday.
I was almost too scared to watch the whole film by myself ***
Click below to view the brilliant trailer
Thanks to Rialto Distribution we have 2 x ($70) Family passes to see Cranston Academy which opens in cinemas on Thursday, June 24th.
If you would like to be in the running to win one of two family passes to see the film during the holidays please visit and like my Facebook page ‘Just Talking Entertainment with Sean J O’Kelly’ . Send me a ‘private message’ from my page with your answer to the following simple question.
Question: How old is Danny?
*Along with your answer please include contact details – eg: phone number or email.
Don’t wait because entries close at 11.59 pm on Tuesday 22nd of June. All entrants’ names will be placed in a barrel and the two winners will be randomly drawn.
The winners will be notified via your contact details.