Listen To Older Voices: Ross D. Wyllie – Part 2

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Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced by Rob Greaves and podcast through the Toorak Times and Tagg” style=”3d” color=”orange”][/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]

listen to older voices: ross d. wyllie – part 2
Ross D. Wyllie – [CLICK to enlarge]
This is the 2nd of a 4-part program on the Life & Times of Aussie singer and TV program host – Ross D.Wyllie.

In part 1 we learned how Ross contracted polio, but how a misdiagnosis added to the severity of his condition.

In this weeks program, Ross shares his memories of befriending another young man during his rehab period, a young man with restricted use of his arms. So, Ross got them both involved in softball, where Ross would hit the ball and the other young man would do the running. This is part of the story that shows how Ross adapted to situations so that far from shutting him out from the action, it made him inclusive.

We learn how Ross was introduced to music through being given a Hawaiian guitar, but how he realised quickly his future was not as a musician, but rather as a singer. Having sung in choirs Ross had a wonderful soprano voice and he was determined to use it in a pop career.

But even as his singing career kicked off, circumstances thrust him into the world of comparing and he became the host of Uptight and then later, happening 70.

While all this was happening he married his sweetheart Eileen and they are still together today.

listen to older voices: ross d. wylie – part 2
Eileen, Ross and their first child


We pick up in Part 2 with Ross talking about the relationship he developed with the young man who had limited use of his arms.

Click to hear – Ross D. Wyllie – Part 2


 Previous Listen To Older Voices Programs can be found in our archive, by clicking on one link or the other

2012 to 2016   

 –  2016 onward supermarkets put junk food on special twice as often as healthy food, and that’s a problem


[Listen To Older Voices receives funding from the Commonwealth Government 
through the Commonwealth Home Support Program Program]
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