Visiting a display home is one of the first steps in deciding on a builder so you can start working on your dream home. You could think of this visit as a sneak peek into the kind of life you have always imagined for yourself. 

Therefore, a visit to a display home can be an exciting time in your life. However, it is important for you not to get swept away by the glittering exterior and to focus on what’s important. Here are ten tips that will help you make the most of your visit. 

Budget Above All

Always remember that your budget comes above everything. You need to set aside the lowest and the highest amount that you are willing to spend to know exactly how much you can give. Every stylish upgrade you come across is available to you but for a price. Make sure you do the mental maths and calculate what you can afford before setting your heart on something. 

Know What Is Included In The Money

The budget you have set aside for your house does not cover everything. Talk to the builder about everything included in the cost and know exactly what the initial cost pays for. Everything else is an upgrade. Do not assume anything from the lavish interior to the elaborate floor plan is included in the cost. Many of these upgrades are those that you have to pay extra for. Keep a significant amount aside for the upgrades (You will need it), and then set aside your true budget for the home-building. 

Ask Many Questions

The builder and the sales consultants are there to answer your questions. Since you will be giving them your hard-earned money, it is your right to learn everything you can about what is required of you. A rule of thumb when visiting a display home is that you must never assume anything. 

Do not assume that the wonderful interior is part of the cost they have cited to you, and do not assume that the builder will give you exactly what you see. You could visit one of the top display homes in Brisbane and assume that that’s what you’re getting at the quoted price and be shocked when you lay your eyes on the final bill! 

Consider The Location

Consider the locations where you want to build your new home. What amenities do you want it to be close to? Often, you have to sacrifice the interior and upgrades of your home to be able to afford the exact locations you want. Therefore, you must realise what kind of location would be ideal for you before you make settlements. 

Consider Your Needs And Priorities

It would help if you clarified what is important to you before you make your final call. Make a list of all the things you need, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the size of your living room, and the kitchen. Some people want unique additions like game rooms and gyms in their houses. Make sure all of these things are conveyed to your builder and fit in your budget when you visit your display home to match your dream house with what’s in front of you.

Do Ample Research On The Builder

Do some research on the builder at the display home and make sure they will be able to give you what you want. It will also help you research competitor builders to see what exactly you should be expecting and if settling on this builder will be a good idea. 

Talk to other experienced homeowners to see if they have something to say about the builder in question. Only when you are satisfied with the word in the market should you go ahead with the deal.

Figure Out The Warranty

Many builders mention the warranty they are offering on their own, but in case they don’t, this is something you must bring up by yourself. Many builders offer around a three-month warranty period, which may not be enough to let your house settle.

You can ask about warranty extensions as well since most homes need to settle a bit before you can find any faults with the construction. 

Keep An Eye On The Service

When you are at the display home, you will be treated by the builders and other staff, and they will help you look around as well. Make sure they are treating you well and answering all of your concerns. Remember that you will spend a lot of your hard-earned money on the home, and therefore you deserve to be kept in the loop. 

Take Note Of The Design

The interior design is important, but most display homes have that aspect of the display home covered since most of them have an impeccable design. However, it would help if you shifted your focus to other important aspects of the designs, such as the floor plan and the fine details such as the craftsmanship everywhere in the house. If you see the design lacking in some places, ask the builder or representative about it. 

Also, remember that much of the design you see when you are in the display home is an upgrade, and you will need to pay extra for it. 

Go With Your Gut

Lastly, remember to listen to your gut!

This is your dream home in question, and you have a clear idea about what you want. If you don’t feel great about the display home or the service you are receiving, you are allowed to question it even if you cannot pinpoint what exactly is wrong. It is better to take a second opinion or visit other display homes than to stick to one and then constantly question whether you made the right decision or not. 


Visiting a display home can be an exciting time for anyone since homeownership is a huge deal! Keeping these details in mind will help you make the most of this exciting moment in your life.  

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