FIRE: Shimmers Bar & Lounge, Cranbourne 3977

PHI 7430

PHI 7428

A licenced business in Cranbourne has been completely destroyed by a suspicious fire.

It’s understood that on Monday 29 January 2024 at around 4.30a.m., a licensed shisha business at 5-7 Cameron Street. caught fire.

The Toorak Times deployed our lead photographer and chief crime reporter, Lord Murray Schoorman of Peak Hour Images direct to the crime scene today.

Photos reveal the fire has entirely destroyed the Shimmers Bar & Lounge’s interior.

There are glass fragments scattered all around the building and three of the outside glass walls have broken, along with the front entrance.

About 10am, arson chemists and forensic investigators arrived on the scene to investigate what started the fire.

When the fire started, nobody was inside the business and nobody was injured.

When the fire started, a local cafe employee and a gas station attendant were nearby.

PHI 7431 PHI 7435 PHI 7437 PHI 7439 PHI 7441

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