Tall Crown Prince Melbourne Based Bespoke Mad Hatter

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To me, hats used to be the pinnacle of elegance and style. Sadly, nowadays hats are mainly mass-produced in overseas factories and do not complement their owner. Unfortunately, all I’ve witnessed since becoming a hat maker is people wearing the same style just in different colours, all of them lacking any sense of originality. That’s why Tall Crown Prince hats have become so popular because each hat is an original and looks so cool and stylish when worn. Tall Crown Prince Hats are hand-made, designed and created to suit your facial structure, skin tone, eye colour and your own personal style. Tall Crown Prince Hats are very personal.

It is my belief there is a hat for everybody, and creating your new look with you is a very special and personalised experience. So, apart from creating a personalised journey, to create your new look, what comes down to making a beautiful bespoke Tall Crown Prince Hat? To me it’s in the quality of materials used, so I only use the best and nothing less than that. Tall Crown Prince Hats are worn by Rock Stars, celebrities, stockbrokers, and everyday people who desire a look that is distinct and separates them from the rest of the pack.


I learned my artistry working in the Northern Territory and Far North QLD over the past twenty years. My role in Education witnessed me travelling to remote and very remote communities, developing a bespoke curriculum for disengaged traumatised adolescents that gave them a chance to re-engage and to succeed at school and in life. My weeknights were spent sitting around campfires with real outback bushmen and big witch pots filled with boiling steaming water. I was taught how to stretch and re-shape a basic factory made Akubra hat and create it into an original Cowboy hat with tall crowns and wide brims dressed with leather and feathers.

I never took my art seriously or wore hats until I moved to Melbourne, just over a year and a half ago. I looked around at all the hat shops in Melbourne with disappointment knowing that they were mainly mass-produced, and all looked alike just different colours. It was at this point I decided to make my own hats and to date, I can proudly confirm that almost one hundred people in Victoria are proudly wearing my label ranging from musicians, stockbrokers, and cowboys to burlesque dancers and everyday people. Melbourne is filled with an eclectic creative vibe and its people have embraced my art and made me feel at home.

Basically, I guess the secret to my success so far stems from the point that I love what I do and the joy it brings to people when they put my artistry on their head. It is a great joy for me when you try your new hat on for the very first time and look in the mirror confidently, smile and say to me “I love it”. The majority of my creations have found their new owner from word of mouth or from me wearing them out. My artistry is my passion and my way of bringing out my Romanian Gypsy Circus, inside my head and onto yours. Each piece is created by hand with much love, peace, passion and joy.

Please feel free to check out my range on Instagram: Tall_Crown_Prince and contact me if you see something you love.

Jonathan Prince – jonathanlp1969@icloud.com

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