100% houses . . . Hey Covid, are we through?

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If you want a great night out why not try Marooned. We guarantee you’ll be surprised. At the shows in Sydney the audiences and critics were not only raving about the shows, but laughed almost all the way through.

And the new male members of the cast are adding a whole new flavour to it.

100% houses . . . hey covid, are we through?


It was an interesting week. We had a lovely call from a man working at Suicide Prevention Australia. He informed us about how they work and congratulated us

on the unfolding story of Marooned. He told us he felt it should be touring nationally. He then directed us to some other organisations who may be interested in aligning with us. So, fingers crossed.

Then after that a woman from a Victorian Primary Health Network called and we shared a similar conversation with her.

The lovely thing was finally being able to have a conversation with active members from the Suicide Prevention Community and let them know that we are interested in having the piece evaluated as a new tool in the fight.

Tickets for The Magnolia Tree tour are selling well.

Check locations and dates for the regional tour here.

100% houses . . . hey covid, are we through?

The Reading of REAL.

This is going to be fun. The play starts just after the sale of a dying town’s church and so for a lark before the reading we are auctioning the Church. Should we let the locals now it’s a lark????? The date has moved to 1st of May and will be at 2pm.

John Orcsik has come on board as Ken Butcher. Be warned though, in our current environment, this is a dangerous play.



And finally the shooting of the Sharaf rehearsed reading is underway.

A huge thank you to all the cast and crew.

Pictured is Raouf Zaidan, who is playing the father Braheem. Raouf is based in the USA.

And Mary Sitarenos, who is playing the mother Mariam. Mary is based here in Melbourne.

In the dark, and in his car in Cairo, is the director Mohammed Hashem, with him, Nadine Bray, who is the acting coach for the Sharaf cast.

This is an amazing project to be a part of, and i just want to put out a special thank you to Ahmed Harfoush III. Ahmed has been marketing the upcoming zoomed Global premiere of the play.

More on this soon.

Oh, and let’s be honest, this has been a gratuitous attempt to sell more tickets.

Enjoy your week.

Michael, Rohana and The Wolves

100% houses . . . hey covid, are we through?

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