Originally we bought a very expensive bottle tequila, the concept came from London we we all worked and we brought the idea back here. If you buy a shot of this tequila your name would be burnt into a plaque for all to see forever.
However, someone suggested we auction off the first shot, as being first on this plaque seems to be an good argument. So the idea was born for the auction. HOWEVER, as the popularity grew and the offer started growing we thought we could send a percentage off to a charity of some kind.
After speaking with a local resident, she told us this story of young Lincon who has Cerebal Palsy and is in need of an operation and a new wheelchair. Their town isn’t very big and business in the area isn’t able to contribute. So it is extremely differcult for a single mum to pay for what is needed for Lincon.
So for us at Pablo Honey, it was a no brainer.
This is where ‘Lincon the Legend First Shot Auction” started going.
The day will start at 5pm, the way people can donate is by
1. bidding for top spot (percentage of this will go to Lincon)
2. Buy a shot of this very rare tequila (percentage of this will go to Lincon)
3. Bid for a decrotive handmade skull (all proceeds will go to Lincon)
3. A donation bucket will be available behind the bar where ALL bartender tips will be donated to Lincon, so if anyone seems they can’t afford any of the first three options. Simply make a donation via the bucket.
4. Jump onto our like page, where there is a link and you can make a personal donation via the link.