3 Innovative Business Ideas That Are Sure to Take 2019 by Storm

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If you want 2019 to be the year you finally do something about your budding entrepreneurial potential, then it’s time you thought about starting your business. Before you take this plunge, however, you’re going to get yourself a business idea.

Struggling to come with an idea or plan that is sure to take the business world by storm? If this is the case, then make sure to check out the three innovative ideas listed below.

Start a web hosting company

Being the driving forces behind most websites these days, web hosting companies are now very much in high demand. For this reason alone, starting your own company in this field should be a no brainer. To do this, you, first, need to define what makes your hosting service unique; you then need to find yourself a server partner that will be dedicated to helping you; and you then have to create your own site and billing system.

Sell agricultural technology

Agriculture is not all about early mornings and heavy lifting. It’s not all about lugging things about all day and working well into the night. Today, there is more of a need for technology in the field of agriculture than you could imagine, and you can tap into this need by starting your own agricultural tech company.

One piece of tech that you could specialise in is electrical conductivity sensing. For agriculturists, soil is everything, and that’s why EC Sensing technology is proving to be a massive hit in the world of agriculture. It is doing so because it allows for the pH levels of soil to be sensed and measured, meaning it then has more of a chance of remaining healthy. This kind of technology is proving to be very popular with those that farm in vineyards. This is because keeping on top of the pH levels of the soil is pivotal in producing the best wine possible.

Open an online store

It’s 2019, customers want to be able to buy what they want, whenever they want, from wherever they want. To get a slice of this demand, you should open your very own online store.

In order to get this particular venture off to the best start possible, you need to embrace what is known as enterprise ecommerce. By doing so, you will be able to control a multitude of different sales channels at once, meaning you’d never have to miss a thing with regards to who is buying what from you and when. When it comes to choosing the platform that is right for you, it really only ever comes down to you deciding between Big Commerce vs Shopify Plus. With regards to the latter, Shopify Plus, your pace will be delivered at an ultra-fast pace, your uptime will be second to none, you will have zero outages on popular days such as Black Friday ad Cyber Monday, and you will be able to customise your front-end while leveraging 1,500+ apps at one time. Truthfully, it should be a no brainer.

You’ve seen the innovative business listed above, now it’s time to put your money where your mouth is and actually make a success of the venture that you choose.

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