5 new hobbies you can learn during a lockdown

hobbies lockdown
hobbies lockdown

Lockdown can get pretty intense and can have many negative impacts on your mental health. That is why pursuing fun and creative hobbies can help you relax and express yourself in these hard times. Here are a few ideas that might inspire you.


If you feel like your home could use some new decorating pieces, then painting would be one of the best hobbies you could learn during a lockdown. This lockdown could be your opportunity to learn how to express yourself on the canvas. Even if you are a complete beginner in painting, you can still search for useful YouTube tutorials so that you can learn the basics of painting. You can choose to paint with acrylics or watercolours. It’s up to you.

All you need is a set of brushes and paint, a palette, and a surface to paint on, whether it is canvas or regular paper.

You can start by drawing inspiration from some already painted works of art online. Then, when you start feeling more comfortable and adventurous you could try creating something completely on your own. The paintings you particularly like can be part of your home decoration.

Learn a language

You may never have had a chance to try learning Spanish or French in your school. That is why this lockdown is a perfect chance for you to test your language skills and learn something new. There are many apps out there that offer quick and easy courses in foreign languages. With just a quick and easy 10-minute practice lesson every day you could master some of the basic writing and communication skills in any language you want.

Apart from that, YouTube offers a wide variety of videos that can teach you basic grammar and vocabulary of any language you desire to speak. Once you feel like you can handle what it takes to have basic conversations in a certain language you can test it by reading some of the easier articles, watching a TV show, or listening to music in that language. It doesn’t take a lot of time. If you dedicate at least 30 minutes to one hour to learning a foreign language every day, you can learn a new language within a few weeks.


If you want to opt for something that is more old-school, knitting might be a perfect hobby for you. Knitting has a very repetitive nature. That’s what makes it so mindful and relaxing.

Once again, YouTube is your best friend here. Just by googling “knitting for beginners” videos, you will be able to learn the basics very quickly and start knitting on your own in a matter of a few hours. You need to learn the basics such as how to nail the essential knit stitch and how to switch your designs with different colours and patterns.

This hobby is especially useful since you can literally create something that will be practical and something that you will be using on a daily basis. You can knit sweaters and other cosy and warm clothes for this cold winter season.

Apart from that, knitting can also be seen as a form of art. After all, you are playing with colours, patterns, and shapes. In a way, you get to express yourself in colours and patterns that you create. You can allow yourself to be as creative and innovative as you want. Plus, it is a very calming and relaxing hobby that you can enjoy whenever you feel too stressed or overwhelmed by everything that is going on in the world right now. Overall, it is both a very practical and artistic hobby to pursue.


If you’re lucky enough to live in a house and have a spacious backyard, find a way to use it. You should make the most of the space you have and find a new hobby at the same time. One simple Google search can teach you all you need to know about gardening, plants and why it can be quite relaxing and healthy for you to pursue gardening as a hobby. All you need to know is how to use the soil, how to take care of your plants, and what conditions they need in order to thrive and grow. Besides that, you also need some quality gardening tools that can easily be found online from expert companies such as HoseLink, and you’re good to go.

You’ll soon find that gardening can be quite therapeutical. Having that one part of the day for yourself where you take care of your plants and spend time in nature can be very nurturing to the soul.


Lastly, if you’re feeling artsy these days but you don’t feel like painting is your true call, then you can try photography. Capturing the moments with the camera can be as artistic as any painting a brush and watercolours can create. There are many masterclasses online that you can take to learn some basics of photography and start your hobby. You get a chance to learn from the world’s leading experts what it is like to capture the right angles, lightings and moments that make the photography feel like magic-making.


In conclusion, there are many hobbies you can explore on your own and now that we have such an easy access to so much information online, you can pretty much explore the world with just a few clicks on your computer. The possibilities are endless.

Image source: Pexels.com

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