5 Trends That Will Shape Commercial Construction

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From banks, schools, business spaces, all the way to entire warehouse facilities, the commercial construction sector is growing at a rapid pace. However, its growth is not happening unassisted, as certain sustainable, smart, and tech-driven trends are shifting the industry towards the better use of all resources. We’re seeing urbanization making more space for certain industries and sectors, but the way construction companies and designers are going about it is vastly different from what was known to be the norm in the past.

From flexible design solutions, technology complimenting people in the construction zone, all the way to green architecture and construction, this industry is helping us leave old-school principles behind and replace them with better, more mindful methods. Let’s cover some of the most notable trends in 2021 and beyond.

Switching to green materials

Can you imagine a future without concrete? Or at the very least one where concrete is not everywhere around us in such incredible amounts as it is today? Modern and future-oriented construction companies are well aware of the carbon footprint of using concrete every step of the way in their projects. The era of concrete’s dominion seems to be over, as green and Earth-friendly alternatives are taking over.

From hemp-made concrete-like material with exemplary levels of durability and sturdiness, all the way to bamboo, reclaimed wood, and recycled plastic, construction for commercial purposes is expanding to embrace these and other materials better for all.

Modular solutions on the rise

Affordable, efficient, and safe, modular construction is quickly becoming an approach that many sectors will rely on. For growing schools with a need for more versatile spaces, the use of modular classrooms means keeping kids safe while school is in session. It helps keep up the pace of their studies, create smaller or larger study groups, design dedicated classrooms for specific projects, and all of that off-site.

This approach is especially popular in regions where there is a labor shortage and institutions like schools cannot afford to wait for a construction crew to start working on the premises. Not to mention that this approach is far more efficient and allows for quicker turnaround times for construction companies, benefiting both the schools and the workers.

Smarter waste management

In addition to fast-paced modular architecture as well as turning to eco-friendly building materials, the construction site itself is changing. Today’s construction workers are adapting to the needs of modern society to make sure their processes are far more energy-efficient as well as cleaner. This is especially notable when it comes to waste management, with more companies creating dedicated waste management equipment that can be used on-site.

No matter the size of the site, managers now use efficient tools like crushers and balers to minimize waste, but they also turn to smarter recycling equipment and procedures. That often involves a bit of employee training, but it seems that the minimal learning curve and ease of use of this equipment are making it a no-brainer for construction companies. Better energy use with specific policies as well as innovative solutions helps companies cut costs, but also reduce waste in terms of water and energy use in general.

Tech is here to help, not overtake

The fear that technology, especially AI and similarly smart solutions will make many jobs redundant is turning out not to be all that realistic. On one end of the construction spectrum, we have software solutions made for easier process management, smarter resource use, and eliminating human error from all of these and other evaluations and assessments.

On the other hand, we have robotics-based tools that automate a portion of the heavy work on construction sites, but they also introduce an element of safety that construction workers greatly appreciate. All of the listed and many other tools allow for smoother construction processes, without jeopardizing jobs – in fact, they are creating new jobs in the tech, analytics, and management sector.

Protection for workers improving

While we’re on the subject of safety, the commercial construction industry has always been filled with risks of all kinds. Companies always attempt to mitigate and eliminate any risk through better policies, employee training, as well as protective gear – all of which is getting better and more effective over time.

The latest safety gear design solutions provide some impressive updates, especially in terms of preventing noise pollution damage for on-site workers, as well as construction site monitoring with the help of drones and other tools.

Construction companies have come a long way, and they still have a long way to go in terms of switching to sustainable solutions and smarter management tools, both in their physical and digital form. With these trends taking over the industry by storm, we can expect more changes in the world of construction that will benefit not just the companies in charge, but entire communities, as well as the people bringing these changes about.

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