Best Teeth Brushing Techniques for a Brighter Smile

brighter smile
brighter smile

According to research, people who smile more tend to be more successful with love and business relationships. Furthermore, a bright white smile is guaranteed to be noticed by others and thus make you look more appealing while giving you a confidence boost. Therefore, if you’ve been thinking about getting a brighter smile, we’ve come up with a few tips that will help you brush more effectively and avoid teeth stains.

Brush in the morning and before bedtime

It’s essential that you brush your teeth at least two times a day. Morning brushing is imperative both because of the bad breath and to help you get that perfect white shade on your teeth. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal, just make sure to wait for at least half an hour after you’re done eating. Reduce plaque build-up successfully by brushing for three minutes. Don’t forget to buy a new toothbrush every three months, to make sure you’re brushing with a quality brush. Bacteria also tends to grow rapidly around toothbrushes so investing in a new brush every three months will be a safe way to avoid spreading bacteria all over your mouth.

Floss will be invaluable

Floss makes a huge difference in teeth brushing. The small gaps between the teeth are very difficult to reach with a toothbrush, and instead of risking ending up with cavity, start flossing every time you’re done brushing. You can leave flossing for your bedtime routine as well, but make sure you do it thoroughly to get rid of all the plaque-building bacteria from your teeth.

Regular appointments at the orthodontist are essential

While brushing and flossing are the two most important steps in good oral hygiene, regular visits to the orthodontist will be of great importance as well. As Australian’s Government’s Department of Health statistics shows, 1 in 25 people (aged 15 and over) have no natural teeth left, which indicates that people in Australia don’t pay enough attention to their oral health. Regular visits to the orthodontist should be imperative, in order to protect your teeth and have a bright smile. You can easily schedule an appointment at any orthodontist Penrith wide and aside from having teeth checked for cavities, also get a whitening treatment from time to time.

Know how to properly brush

Not only should you brush regularly, but also know how to brush properly. Your toothbrush bristles should be at a 45-degree angle to the gumline. Be sure to use gentle motions to move the brush back and forth. Keep the tips of the bristles in one place, as you wiggle the head of the brush back and forth. Feel free to make small circles with the brush to be sure you’ve reached all the spots. Pay special attention to chewing surfaces, as food tends to stick there well and sometimes you might not even notice it. Don’t put too much pressure on your teeth while brushing, but be gentle and don’t forget to brush your tongue while you’re at it.

Steer clear of teeth staining snacks and beverages

Foods and beverages can easily stain your food if you indulge in them too often. Coffee, red wine, tea, sticky foods as well as sugary treats can easily stain your teeth preventing you from having a pearly white smile. That’s why you should try to limit the intake of teeth-staining foods such as hard candies, berries, and stain-causing beverages and be sure to brush and rinse your mouth with a mouthwash after having coffee for instance. Swishing mouth with water, using a straw and eating foods that promote teeth whitening can all contribute to teeth whitening.

Apply homemade whitening remedies

One of the great ways to whiten your teeth is to apply a DIY paste made of natural remedies. Combine baking soda and lemon juice to get a Hollywood-like smile. Baking soda will gently clean the stains due to its abrasive properties while lemon juice will add whiteness and sparkle with its natural bleaching powers. All you need to do is blend several teaspoons of baking soda with fresh lemon juice to create a paste that you’ll later apply to your teeth. Leave it on for a minute or so and rinse well with lukewarm water.

Final thoughts

Brushing regularly and properly is essential for good oral health and white teeth. Aside from brushing at least twice a day, you should also start using dental floss and schedule regular appointments with the orthodontist. Avoid stain-causing foods and beverages and use DIY teeth whitening treatments to make sure you have a pearly white smile everyone will admire you for.

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