Sunday, December 8, 2024
11.5 C


The Mediterranean Diet: Good for your health and your hip pocket

We've heard it time and time again – the Mediterranean diet is great for our health. But despite the significant health benefits of this eating plan, a common deterrent...

Simple Swaps: 5 Easy Ways To Avoid Overeating

Avoiding overeating is about more than swapping full cream for low fat milk or sugar for stevia. Often,...

What is seitan? The vegan protein alternative going viral online

 Image: Shuttlestock The trend towards vegetarian and vegan diets means more people are looking for meat-free protein alternatives. Enter seitan...

Yes, Adele has sung its praises. But the Sirtfood diet may be just another fad

Picture: Monika Grabkowska/UNSPLASH The Sirtfood diet has been in the news again this week after singer Adele showed off her...

Phytonutrients can boost your health. Here are 4 and where to find them (including in your next cup of coffee)

Image: Shuttlestock Coffee is regularly in the news for its potential health benefits and drawbacks. A review of the...