Creating a More Environmentally Friendly Home by Taking These Steps

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Making your house more environmentally friendly should be one of your priorities as a homeowner. Once this objective is attained, you’ll reduce your utility bills and save more money while reducing your family’s carbon footprint. Don’t worry since creating an eco-friendly home can be easy, especially if you’ll take these steps:

Top up your insulation

Unlike houses in the Western hemisphere, many Australian homes don’t have excellent insulation. This is understandable considering the temperate climate, but it’s still not an excuse since having poor insulation can greatly affect the energy usage of properties during particularly cold and too-warm days. Ask an expert to check if your house is properly insulated and has good thermal resistance. If the answer is no, reinsulate your house ASAP using high-quality insulation materials that will last for many years.

Switch to LED lights

You probably already know that having proper lighting in your home is important for keeping it safe and functional and boosting its aesthetic appeal. But don’t buy lighting fixtures simply because they look pretty; you must also choose products that have excellent energy efficiency, like LED lighting. It can help reduce your energy bills because it uses less power than traditional fixtures, and since LED bulbs last longer, you won’t have to replace them as often, and you’ll save more money down the road.

Buy appliances with great energy ratings

If you’re planning to get a new appliance, look for a modern make and model that has exceptional energy ratings. Efficient appliances consume less energy than their older counterparts, so you can enjoy the perks of having creature comforts within reach while reducing your utility bills and saving more money.

Switch to toilets with better flush capacity

Older toilets use as much as 12 litres per flush, which might not seem much at first glance but can actually be a lot, particularly if you have a multi-person household. With this in mind, you’ll easily see the benefits of replacing old toilets with newer units that use only 3 to 4 litres per flush. This can be challenging since removing existing toilets and installing new ones requires plenty of time, labour, and money, but the hassle is worth it once you’ll reduce your water consumption and deal with lower water bills every month.

Harness the power of solar energy

Take advantage of Australia’s climate by investing in a solar energy system and using it to reduce your home’s dependence on grid power. Don’t worry since there are many solar energy professionals who can help you get the most out of your investment. These experts will assess your home’s power usage and design a system that will meet your energy needs. They’ll also make sure that your Solar Edge inverter, battery, and panels will be properly installed and that the entire system will be ready for use. Of course, they’ll teach you how to use your new solar energy system and keep it in good condition.

Creating an eco-friendly home isn’t just good for the environment—it can also help you save a significant amount of money. Use these tips to make your house more environmentally friendly and reduce your utility bills!


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