Ecological Activist Makes Impassioned Plea to Follow Nature’s Blueprint

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Ecological activist Arwinder Kaur says travelling the world in her youth was the best education she could have received, bringing her face to face with contrasting realities of the human existence. She learned that perspectives are shaped as much by mind and soul as by external circumstances, and that lesson opened her eyes to the important distinction between “needs” and “wants” and how that distinction directly impacts the environment and the survival of the human species.

“What is considered ‘suffering’ or being ‘free?” Kaur asks. “What are rights and privileges, and are humans really entitled to everything we want? These questions and the truths I acquired have been critical in providing me with what I refer to as a ‘compass for the soul.’”

In her compelling book, Living While Human, Kaur shares the genesis of her moral compass, tracing her own journey of self-discovery through glimpses into her life-changing experiences, encounters and choices. She finds kernels of simple truths among the clutter, prompting readers to ponder questions such as:

• How do we as humans navigate our lives in the complex world we have created?

• Why are we the only species that seems to be struggling to live healthy lives?

• How do we exist as one of countless other species without destroying the planet and ourselves in the process?

• How do we live better lives with a deeper connection to ourselves, others and the earth?

“The answers are not locked away in a secret vault,” Kaur said. “In fact, they are much closer and simpler than you might realize.”

Kaur also takes a deep dive into the human psyche and systemic issues impacting humanity and the earth itself, and leaves readers with a powerful call to action inviting everyone to join a global response to protect the planet for future generations. She provides not only a unique perspective on what the root causes of the current crises are, but also outlines a new approach to tackling many of the most urgent problems humanity faces. Kaur believes providing accessible solutions is key to providing hope and positive change.

“Humans are not exempt from nature’s powerful balancing force, and when any population is a threat to the balance and sustainability of the environment and species, it will be brought back into balance,” Kaur cautioned. “We can do this through intention and choice … or Nature will and must do it for us.”

About the Author

Award-winning author and ecological activist Arwinder Kaur has dedicated her life to helping others. After attending Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, she was a social worker specializing in the area of child welfare for almost 30 years.

A believer in the power of words, Kaur read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn in 1994 and was propelled into ecological activism and inspired to write Living While Human. Childless by choice, she lives with her genius dog, Monty, near Vancouver, British Columbia. She is also passionate about music, art and tennis.

For more information, please visit, or follow the author on Instagram (Living_while_human) or Facebook (Arwinder Kaur).

Barnes & Noble link:

Living While Human

Publisher: Tellwell Talent

ISBN-13: ‎978-0228851325

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