Engineered Timber As A Choice For Home Flooring


When it comes to interior designing, the flooring’s aesthetic adds to the whole beauty of the space as well. As such, the materials used for floorboards is essential. Engineered timber, for instance, is a popular flooring material because of its timeless appeal, natural appearance, and beauty. It has been utilised for so many years and was incorporated to hundreds house theme.

Moreover, engineered timber is said to have a combination of the look and feel of solid hardwood floors, but with the qualities of modern construction materials. For that reason, it is known as a durable and sustainable construction material; perfect as a substitute for solid timber.

How to Choose the Best Engineered Timber

There are numerous factors to consider first before deciding which kind of Timber Flooring Melbourne is appropriate to install in a house. As such, choosing what type of engineered timbers to purchase can be quite tricky.

For a guideline, here are a few aspects to look for:

Factors to Consider

Materials used. The first thing to look for in an engineered timber is the type of material used to make it. Some materials guarantee durability, especially when the weather starts changing. Check the top layer and its substance as well as the backboard of the timber.

Construction. A quality construction results to longevity and the timber’s efficiency. For a well-engineered wood, search for lumbers that was well shaped and cut, sanded, and glued.

Finishes. This aspect is essential in the overall durability and efficiency of the lumber refers to the final touches which can be found on top of the wood. Some examples of common finishes are oil and lacquer.

Slip Resistance. The timber’s slip resistance is critical to the safety of individuals who occupies the house. For instance, if a household has small kids, it is wise to get an engineered timber that has high slip-resistance to prevent unwanted accidents. Finishes such as oil and lacquer can provide such quality, while other finishing materials may vary.

The Benefits

Durability and Versatility. Engineered timber flooring is among the most common types of wood flooring around the world. Its versatility is what makes it unique due to its ability to merge well with surfaces and applications such as cladding and joinery. When it comes to durability, engineered timber continues to improve. It is stable even in a changing environment.

Good for the Health. According to research from countries like Japan, Canada, and Europe, the use of timber wood in interior schemes can help reduce stress not only to a person but into the environment as well. Another benefit it offers is that it does not hold allergens from pollen, animal hair, dust, and mold.

Eco-friendly. Engineered-timber is, perhaps, the most sustainable product. It can store carbon that when used, it reduces CO2 emissions by 1.1 tonnes. Furthermore, when making it, the energy consumption is lesser than the other construction materials; hence, it saves energy. Aside from that, this type of lumber is thinner compared to others. It means that more planks are produced by one tree. By doing so, the number of woods obtained from each tree is higher.

Quality Matters

Engineered-timber may be new in the construction industry. On a lighter note, it has a lot of benefits that other wood products lack, which makes it better. It also assures the quality needed in maintaining and beautifying a home, office, or other establishments. Apart from that, it’s also good for health and is eco-friendly. Thus, engineered-timber wood is worth the money. If you are looking for products or services like this in Australia, make sure to visit sites like hirefield. Remember, quality always matters and your material and human power investment is always the foundation of your construction.

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