Final weekend of Bayside Acquisitive Art Prize finalist exhibition

Bayside gallery
Bayside gallery
Bayside Arts

Come to Bayside Gallery and view an array of Australian contemporary painting.

There is still time to vote for your favourite painting to be recognised with a $1,000 People’s Choice Award, announced upon the closing of the exhibition on 2 July.

You can take a virtual tour of the finalist exhibition below.

Bring the family along to the Bayside Acquisitive Art Prize, with free exhibition-related activities for the kids to enjoy.

Bayside Acquisitive Art Prize winner: Louise Tate, Self-portrait with strawflower 2023 (featured below left).

Local Art Prize winner: Lorna Quinn, Like an oyster 2022 (featured below right).

two paintings, on left is the winner of artist self portrait with strawflower covering face. Right painting is of grassy hills with blue skies
coloured arts and craft items like paper, pencils, scissors and paint scattered everywhere

Anne Ross: Whichway exhibition

Exhibition dates: 8 July – 27 August at Bayside Gallery

For over four decades, Anne Ross has explored pathos and humour within the themes of companionship, belonging and self-containment through the medium of bronze.

Opening event: Saturday 8 July, 2:00 – 4:00pm
Bayside Gallery
RSVPs essential. 

four babies laying on their backs against colourful mat with their heads facing in together

Lightbox Project at Billilla Historic Mansion

Three contemporary artists have been asked to engage with the Billilla site and each create three artworks for display on temporary lightboxes installed in the Gardens at Billilla from July to December 2023.

July and August: Mark Forbes

Bayside-based artist Mark Forbes is known for his documentary photography that captures the beauty of the everyday. Forbes worked with ballerina Aimee Hodgkinson from the Victorian State Ballet to instill elegance and beauty within the interiors of Billilla, creating a sense of artistic energy infused with determination and drive that is suggestive of the future importance of creativity at Billilla.

Black Rock Clock Tower covered in colourful knitted rectangles

Yarnbombing Bayside

Bayside’s community of volunteers yarnbombed the iconic Black Rock Clock Tower to create a colourful installation.

Bayside City Council partnered with The GLAD Rappers to bring this collaborative craft project to life. There are seven installations in total across the municipality, bringing warmth and cheer to Bayside in the depths of Winter.

Image/art credits in order of appearance:

1. Installation view, ‘Bayside Acquisitive Art Prize’ 2023. Photo: Mark Ashkanasy.
2. Louise Tate, Self-portrait with strawflower 2023, oil on linen, 58 x 43 cm. Winner of 2023 Bayside Acquisitive Art Prize. Courtesy the artist and Jan Murphy Gallery.
3. Lorna Quinn, Like an oyster 2022, oil on board, 32 x 25 cm. Winner of 2023 Local Art Prize. Courtesy the artist.
4. Mark Forbes, Grace and poise 2023, C-type photograph. Courtesy the artist.
5. Bayside City Council. Black Rock Clock Tower. 

The Drago Tree by Isobel Blackthorn: review

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