From Offices to Outfits: How to Move Your Business Into a Physical Location

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Whether your business has always operated in the online realm or you were forced into working online because of the pandemic, you need to ensure that your move to a physical location goes as smoothly as possible. Making the decision to move your business into a physical space is a big call and one that you want to be sure you get right. There are a lot of things that you need to consider when you’re moving into a brick and mortar setup. Failing to consider everything carefully could have negative consequences for your business in the future, so be sure that you take the time to do your due diligence. 

Working with clients and interacting with your staff and colleagues is more challenging when working remotely. When the time comes to make the move to a physical location, it’s important that you put your best foot forward from the very beginning. From how you fit out your premises to the corporate shirts you choose for your staff, you need to ensure that each decision you make is well considered. When you open the doors of your business to the public, it’s crucial that you make a positive first impression. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and it can be very difficult to reverse it, so make sure that you do everything in your power to make it a good one. 

Let’s take a look at a few things you need to keep in mind when you are moving your business into a physical location. 

Put A Plan In Place

Moving into new business premises is a big undertaking that takes a lot of careful planning. There are a lot of moving parts that will need to be considered, so be sure to put a plan in place before you start making the move. As part of your plan, you will also need to take steps to prepare your staff for the move. They may require additional training or support to make the move as smooth as possible. Having a plan in place will ensure that nothing slips through the cracks and that both you and your employees are ready to hit the ground running when you arrive at your new business location. 

Location, Location, Location

Choosing the right location for your business is crucial to the success of your organisation moving forward. You might benefit from being in a location that gets a lot of foot traffic, or perhaps your business will do better if you are located near other businesses that can provide you with support. Only you can determine what you need from your location for your business to succeed, so be sure to give it some thought and choose a location where your company can thrive moving forward.

Fit Out Your Space Properly

Regardless of what industry or niche you are operating in, you will need to ensure that the space you will be working in has everything you and your team need to succeed. Practicalities such as office equipment, comfortable furniture and the latest tech should all be included in the fit-out of your new space. However, you should also ensure that your business premises look great and reflect your brand as positively as possible. 

Update Your Details Online

One of the main ways that customers find the businesses they are looking for is through Google. If you don’t update your Google My Business details, social media profiles and your website with your new location and business hours, it will be much more difficult for your clients to find you. Take the time to update your details online to ensure that you don’t miss out on potential business moving forward. 

Tell Your Customers

Whether you post on social media, send an email blast, take out an advertisement on local radio or advertise in any other way, you need to ensure that you tell your customers that you have a physical location. As well as telling your existing customers about your big move, you should also do everything you can to make the public at large aware of your new business premises. If you want your new business location to be well-visited and for the move from online to a physical location to be worth it, it’s absolutely crucial that people are aware of the changes to your operations. 

Make Sure Your Transition To A Physical Workplace Is A Success

Transitioning from operating in the online realm to a physical location can often be a daunting experience. However, by following the tips outlined above, you can ensure that you make the move successfully. With a solid plan in place from the start, you can ensure that you move to your new location seamlessly and with minimum disruption to your day-to-day operations.

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