FUSE festival – Paradise Lots performance in rooftop carpark

fuse autumn paradise lots ava campbell hero image
fuse autumn paradise lots ava campbell hero image

Paradise Lots is a community-led, experimental performance work.

Set on the rooftop of an iconic urban carpark, Paradise Lots immerses audiences into a new world order.

Upon booking tickets, audiences are texted a location to meet. From there, they are ushered into a car, stripped of their belongings, and taken on a journey that is both sensorially provocative and politically charged. In this way, the work combines an experimental performance aesthetic with a community-oriented approach.

Thematically, the work is set after the collapse of our current social system. It is about society’s fetishization of youth, and the expectation for young people to put aside their childhood to become advocates for change. The performance combines elements of ritual, childhood play, ceremony, and pop-culture-fandom.

To create the show, Pony Cam have collaborated with a team of 9 local young artists (aged 15-21). We met these young people through both Darebin’s Youth Services, and through our own public callouts. These young people have come from a wide range of artistic backgrounds and personal circumstances, and everyone has brought something very unique to the show.

Throughout the process, Pony Cam have worked with these young people to develop the themes, style, and aesthetic of the work. At every step, their voices and opinions have been championed, and all creative decisions have been made with them.

Dominic Weintraud is available for interview as are the performers. 

Paradise Lots, 19-21 March, 7pm.  Bookings:  fusedarebin.com.au

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