Fwd: Our say on the governments plan for Port Phillip Bay






Our input on the Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan 2017-2027


The draft Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan 2017-2027 has been released for public consultation. Developed by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning in partnership with Melbourne Water and the Environment Protection Authority Victoria, the draft Plan is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to ensure Port Phillip Bay remains healthy and resilient over the coming decade.
The government wants to hear ideas from us too as we are at the forefront of some of the issues.  They have provided 3 ways to send them ideas and thoughts

Provide your comments until 10 February 2017 by:

  1. completing a quick response 5-10 minute survey if you are short on time

  2. completing a more detailed survey (30 minutes) to provide feedback on the Goals, Strategies and Actions of the draft Plan

  3. emailing a written submission to bay.plan@delwp.vic.gov.au

Some thoughts on points you can mention are;
1) Support of a Container deposit scheme where by we get 10 cents back on a bottle or can.  This will remove all most all bottles and cans off our beaches
2) Support the Plastic bag ban to protect our beaches and marine life. 
3) The proliferation of plastic straws
4) The litter that fishermen leave around




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