Is Choosing a Concrete Floor Worth It?

polished concrete
polished concrete

Who doesn’t love to live in a house with attractive flooring? We spend thousands of dollars to make them look awesome. It enhances the overall look of your sweet home. For many years, houses were built with wooden floors or carpets. But in the modern era, as new construction methods and designs are mushrooming, concrete flooring is gaining more and more popularity.

Little inside the World of Modern Floors:

As modern home designs are rapidly catching the ground, there are plenty of options to choose from for you. Wooden flooring and carpeting are quickly becoming things of the past while choosing concrete flooring makes your home stand out among the crowd. Wooden floors will cost you a fortune, and it cannot retain their quality for many years. Instead, if you choose this modern flooring; it will give you the same if not better delight for a longer time. Using covering materials like epoxy can give your room a ceramic look, you always wanted. But is it worth it? Let us consider some factors before we reach any decision.

Reasons to Opt for:

  • Natural Friendly: Concrete are made of such components that store as well as reflects heat. In winter times it absorbs much-needed heat, and reversely in summer, it reflects sunlight to give coolness to the floor. Other than that, it is energy-efficient and environmental-friendly. In comparison to others, less energy is needed to obtain concrete as well as no trees are harmed during the production of it.
  • Durability: Concrete is very durable. Nothing can harm concrete flooring  Be it heavy furniture, claw marks of pets, or fatty substance that usually damages the flooring, concrete can handle pretty much everything. Thus, making it the best choice especially for garage and home flooring.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Do dust mites, and your child’s mess give you frequent headaches? Well, switching to this option will save you! Cleaning this is very easy. Also, as it doesn’t let the bacteria and allergens sit on it, it protects you from unwanted diseases.
Concrete Floor
Concrete Floor

Reasons to Discard:

  • Safety Issues: Although using concrete for your floor does enhance the visual appeal, it doesn’t provide enough functional safety. Most of the things like your expensive smartphone, tablet or maybe your laptop, that fall from your hands will be likely to break. Toddlers, as well as new grown babies, may get a severe injury if they fall awkwardly.
  • Unpleasant Noises: Due to the compounds used in it, concretes tend to amplify sounds. It intensifies sound waves causing unwanted loudness. You may have spent extra on rags or mats to get rid of the noise.
  • Disordered Placement Procedure: Installing a hard floor with concrete can be a very untidy affair. It creates an enormous mess. Besides, it has to be placed accordingly. If any one of those is not proportionately positioned, it can waste the overall look of your floor.

Final Verdict:

After going through all the reasons for choosing and declining, it is up to you whether you want to go with it or not. There is no doubt that concrete flooring will enhance the beauty of your home. The visual balance brings the flooring along with your wardrobes, furniture as well as kitchen and bathroom fittings, is second to none. At the same time, installing it in the first place can be challenging. There are several technicians you will find in your location if you are thinking to get one installed. Visual appeal, cost efficiency, and durability make it the best choice out of all options. If handled carefully and skillfully, it can serve the purpose well against an affordable budget.

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