Listen To Older Voices: Angela Rose – Part 3

Listen To Older Voices TT Header 2019 5
Listen To Older Voices TT Header 2019 5

[vc_cta h2=”Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced by Rob Greaves and podcast through the Toorak Times and Tagg” style=”3d” color=”orange”][/vc_cta]
Due to ongoing COVID lockdown we have visited our Vault of Treasured Memories to bring out a Golden Moment Program – where we are presenting a program broadcast in the past, and where we believe it is a story worth sharing again, possibly for the first time with some listeners.

This is the final part of the story of Angela Rose. Angela’s story in this part of her story is largely taken up with her sharing her inner most fears and the pain of having lost her husband, Bill.

Yet she is a remarkable woman and she calls upon amazing inner strength and her story will eave you in awe. There are so many uplifting stories that she shares with us and we gain a deep understanding of her courage and determination.

Part 3 commences with her story of the events that led to her horrific car accident.

Click to hear – Angela Rose – Part 3Previous Listen To Older Voices Programs can be found in our archive, by clicking on one link or the other

2012 to 2016   

 –  2016 onward supermarkets put junk food on special twice as often as healthy food, and that’s a problem


[Listen To Older Voices receives funding from the Commonwealth Government 
through the Commonwealth Home Support Program Program]
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