Listen To Older Voices: Michael Dillon – Part 3

Michael header 1 3
Michael header 1 3
[vc_cta h2=”Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced by Rob Greaves and podcast through the Toorak Times and Tagg” style=”3d” color=”orange”][/vc_cta]
listen to older voices: michael dillon – part 2
Michael Dillon


This is LTOV and it’s a pleasure to share with you Part 3 of the Life & Times of Michael Dillon.


Born in Manangatang Victoria in 1944, the young Michael was bought up into a loving and hard working family. On moving to Bendigo with his family in 1955, slowly but surely Michael’s creative side begins to come forth and he undertakes studies, that require an industry placement.

He is so talented and so good at presenting himself; he wins a coveted placement with the Wedgwood Company in the UK, and he heads off to undertake that placement, but not before stopping over in Asia, where his time in Singapore would also prove to have an impact upon him and his future.

In this part of his story Michael continues to share his stories of his work and time with Wedgwood where he didn’t just learn, he contributed – big!

He explains how a self-funded journey through several Scandinavian countries both improved his understanding of design and just enriched his passion to be the best. While all this is happening, Michael also manages to have four major shows in the UK, in what is a short 18-month period covering 1965 and 1966.

listen to older voices: michael dillon – part 3
Some of Michael’s work: Note the intricate design on base of the glasses – [CLICK to enlarge]
listen to older voices: michael dillon – part 3
[CLICK to enlarge]

He shares his experiences of travelling to the USA as part of his Wedgwood experience and this allows him in turn, to experience the USA and he shares some of those experiences, including being the target of a form of racism.

Then, his professional placement being over, he returns to Australia.

This program picks up with Michael talking about how he was one of two or three talented young people bought into Wedgwood, to add fresh approaches and ideas.

Click to hear – Michael Dillon: Part 3


 Previous Listen To Older Voices Programs can be found in our archive, by clicking on one link or the other

2012 to 2016   

 –  2016 onward supermarkets put junk food on special twice as often as healthy food, and that’s a problem


[Listen To Older Voices receives funding from the Commonwealth Government 
through the Commonwealth Home Support Program Program]
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