Porcelain Veneers v/s Composite Veneers: What to Choose?

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“What is the most significant development in the field of dental science?”. Don’t scratch your head as don’t need to answer this question. But if you ask this question to a person who has undergone any kind of cosmetic dental treatment, you would get the answer “Cosmetic Dentistry”.

Cosmetic dental treatments have proved to be a boon for people who want to get rid of flaws that spoil the appearance of their teeth. Crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, broken teeth, discoloured teeth, and many other problems can be resolved with the help of cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Porcelain veneers and composite veneers also fall under the list of these procedures. They are two different types of veneers, a dental prosthetic device, used for covering the outer surface of teeth. Cosmetic dentists place veneers over the outer surface of teeth with the help of dental cement. The treatment of veneers can be received for a single tooth as well as multiple teeth depending on the requirements of a patient.

Now, both these types of veneers are a part of dental veneers treatment. The dentist chooses the right type of dental veneers for the patient by taking into account various factors, such as the condition of teeth, goals of the patient, and time and cost involved.

Dental Veneers: Meaning, Types, and Process

A dental veneer is a thin layer attached to the front surface of a tooth. This layer provides protection and strength to the tooth, just like the natural enamel. Dental veneers are made from either porcelain or composite resin material. A small portion of the structure of a natural tooth is grounded for making space for dental veneers.

Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin shells that have the shape and colour of the natural teeth as they are custom-made by using the impressions of a patient’s teeth. Once they are ready, the dentist cements them over the teeth of a patient.

On the other hand, composite veneers are shaped directly into the teeth of a patient after applying the filling material, which has the same colour as the natural teeth. In the composite resin veneers treatment procedure, the teeth are not grounded or grounded to a small extent.

Difference between Porcelain Veneers and Composite Veneers

Now that you have understood the meaning and process of dental veneers, you should learn about the difference between two types of dental veneers. We have mentioned the points of difference in the following paragraphs.

  • Durability

Porcelain veneers can last for up to ten to fifteen years if you take care of them properly. Once the veneer made from porcelain is attached to a tooth, it becomes durable. However, after prolonged use or some unfortunate incident, if porcelain veneers get damaged or fall off, they can’t be repaired. You would need to get them replaced.

Composite veneers last for up to three to eight years as the strength of composite resin material is less than the strength of porcelain material. They are susceptible to chipping, but you can get the chipped composite veneers repaired.

  • Time

The porcelain veneers treatment takes more time than the composite veneers treatment due to the process involved. For getting the porcelain veneers bonded to one or more of your teeth, you need to make a minimum two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the dentist will grind them and take an impression of them. The second visit is scheduled when the veneers are received from the laboratory.

While the permanent porcelain veneers are being made, the dentist will place the temporary veneers on your teeth. For getting the composite veneers, you need to visit the dental clinic or hospital only once. On the same day, when your dentist examines your oral health and recommends this treatment option, the veneers are added to your teeth.

  • Cost

As you might have guessed, porcelain veneers cost more than composite veneers, as they are more time-consuming and labour-intensive. But you also need to keep in mind that composite veneers get chipped easily, and so, you have to get them repaired or replaced frequently. Over time, the cost of porcelain veneers and composite veneers turns out to the same if you factor in the cost of repairs and replacement.

Wrapping Up

While making a decision for choosing between porcelain veneers and composite veneers, you should consider the relevant points and take the advice of a reputable cosmetic dentist.


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