Port Phillip Council calls on revellers to play their part

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Port Phillip Council is urging revellers to ‘play your part’ over the busy Christmas and New Year period when thousands of people flock to the City’s scenic parks and beaches.
Mayor Dick Gross said Council’s litter-pickers have been observing less rubbish, including glass, across the City’s popular public spaces over the past few weeks.

“While this is encouraging, it’s too early to tell yet whether this is due to the new alcohol ban, patrols by police and local laws officers, or a combination of several factors,” Cr Gross said today.

“It is definitely a great start to summer but there is no room for complacency after revellers trashed St Kilda’s South Beach Reserve on Christmas Day 2017,” he said.

“We love welcoming visitors – all we ask is that they join with us in embracing this year’s Summer in the City campaign theme of “play your part” as it’s up to everyone to keep our City clean and safe. A sea of litter, including dangerous broken glass, spoils the fun for everyone, so please behave responsibly, follow the rules and bin your rubbish.”

Council is spending $1.1 million on a record number of bins, rubbish collections and beach cleans this summer, especially at peak times including Christmas and the New Year.

Extra local laws officers have been employed over summer and an education campaign has been rolled out to inform people about the new 24-hour alcohol ban for the St Kilda foreshore and total ban on glass being taken to any beaches, foreshore parks and reserves.

There are no permitted public or official Council events being held in Port Phillip on NYE.

Total alcohol bans over summer

St Kilda foreshore Until 31 March 2019 (including Christmas week)
St Kilda Pier and all beaches, carparks, foreshore parks and reserves from Langridge to Thackeray Streets.

New Year period

8 pm 30 December 2018 to 12 noon 2 January 2019

All public places throughout the City of Port Phillip, including streets, beaches, parks, piers, jetties and Albert Park Lake

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