Seven Indications you need Specialist Water Leak Detection

water leak detection
water leak detection

It is very often the case that a person can have a leak on their property and they do not even realise it. Most leaks are hidden as they happen underground or behind walls. This means you could need the help of a specialist water leak detection expert to help you investigate. Here are some things to look out for.

Signs you have a leak

  • The ground in your garden is mushy and it has not been raining. If you walk around and hit a mushy or moist spot but there has been no rain this is a sign you need someone to come and check out where your leak is and repair it. It is a common sign of a water line that has broken or cracked under the ground, draining into the soil and turning it into mush! Ignoring it actually not just a risk to your garden, it could damage the foundations of your property!
  • You can hear water running and all the taps are off. You know what are normal sounds of running water in your home like the sound of the washer, the dishwasher, someone in the shower, as opposed to water running at the wrong times, or when no one is using those appliances. Check that it is not someone flushing the toilet, and if there is no reason for the sound of running water calling a specialist water leak detection
  • Your water bill has gone up significantly when your use has not changed. You should always take a look at your monthly bills so you can make sure there is not some discrepancy. In the case of your water bill are you paying more when you have not changed how you use your water? If that is the case you likely have a leak somewhere that needs finding.
  • Damp spots around the home that was not there before. If you live with young kids or pets, then damp areas are not always something you think about. But if you have walls or floors that have wet spots, are becoming discoloured or look damp, you need to check this out.
  • A water meter showing water use when the water is turned off. A good way to check for a leak is to turn off everything in the home that uses water, look at the water meter and then wait an hour or so. Now look again at the meter and if that is still going then it signifies a leak. Call in a professional specialist water leak detection service.
  • Your pool needs a lot more treatments than before. If you are adding more chemicals to your pool than you used to, this is possibly because you are losing them through a leak in the pool. This can become pretty expensive so if you are concerned call in someone to take a look.
  • A musty odour somewhere in the home. A musty smell can be a sign of water leaking and causing mould and such to develop. Do not breathe in that kind of air for too long without investigating a is not good for your health.
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