Kelloggs Nonnas Never Waste workshop Image 4 1024x683 1

Kelloggs Nonnas Never Waste workshop

While food insecurity is being felt across the nation due to the rising cost of living, new research from Kellogg Australia has revealed we have a food waste problem, with almost half the country (47%) admitting to wasting food at least once a week1.

With over 7.6 million tonnes of food wasted every year2 across our farms, factories and at our tables, the new research shows Australians perceive the younger generations as being more wasteful than their older counterparts as over a third (35%) of Australians believe Gen Z are the most wasteful generation.

The majority of Australians (83%) feel guilty about wasting food, so Kellogg Australia has teamed up with Yume, Australia’s number one platform for surplus food management, along with social media foodie grandma, Nonna Fina, to host the ‘Nonna’s Never Waste’ workshop.

The Nonna’s Never Waste workshop is designed to tap into the knowledge and know-how of the older generation, who are seen as the most conscious when it comes to food waste (27%), to encourage more sustainable habits, help households reduce food waste, store food more effectively and be creative with leftovers.

Nonna Fina says, “I’ve grown up with an appreciation for food, and the delicious produce Australia has to offer – it’s a shame for it to go to waste. I feel it’s my duty to impart some of my waste wisdom to get the most out of your weekly shop.”

While many Australians are feeling the pinch from cost of living, one in five Aussies (19%) say they throw their leftovers straight into the bin. While the majority of Aussies (79%) put their leftovers in the fridge, almost a quarter (23%) forget about them, throw the leftovers out after a day or change their mind on eating them. Only 8% of Aussies use their leftovers to make new recipes over the course of a few days.

Anthony Holme, Managing Director at Kellogg Australia, said: “At Kellogg, we’re committed to minimising food waste. This includes repurposing food within our manufacturing plant, selling surplus or short shelf-life stock via the Yume platform, and donating cereal and snacks to our partners such as Foodbank or sending food that can’t be consumed by people to be used as animal feed.

We also want to help households reduce food waste in the home, which is why we’re excited to tap into the knowledge and know-how of the older generation to encourage more sustainable food habits with our Nonna’s Never Waste workshop.”

The Nonna’s Never Waste workshop comes at a time when only half (50%) of Australians say they are only somewhat confident on how to store food and use leftovers, and two thirds of these Australians (67%) say more education on how to store food and leftovers to keep them fresh would help people waste less food.

Camila Cantoli, Head of Innovation at Yume, said “At Yume, our purpose is to help manufacturers reduce their food waste, but steps can be taken to reduce waste all along the food chain – which is why initiatives such as the Nonna’s Never Waste workshop are so important.

By tackling food waste and addressing food insecurity at the same time, we’re calling on all food manufacturers like Kellogg to join us on our vision of a world without waste.”

Nonna Fina finishes, “I hope I can help all Australians waste less in the kitchen and are inspired to get creative with what they have left over – don’t forget to ask your nonna for her tips too!”

To find out more on how to reduce your food waste visit:

Nonna Fina’s Tips to Reducing Food Waste:

  1. Store food properly – Whether it’s raw food or leftovers, storing and sealing food properly, and at the right temperature, helps to keep it fresher for longer, allowing you to eat the food at a later time.
  2. Make the most of leftover food -, save it to eat the following day or freeze it.
  3. Create a compost – Setting up a compost in your backyard or on your balcony is an easy way to break down food scraps which will eventually turn into soil that you can  repurpose in pot-plants or your garden.
  4. Be thrifty with your food – Check your kitchen before you head to the supermarket to buy anything new. See what you’ve got at home and eat what you already have.
  5. Using cereal crumbs – The remains at the bottom of your cereal bag or box can be sprinkled on your yoghurt for breakfast or can even be used as a coating for crispy fried chicken.

About Kellogg’s commitment to reducing food waste

Kellogg Australia diverts over 90% of the waste at its core manufacturing site from landfill.

Through its partnership with Yume, Kellogg has sold over 370,000 kilograms of food that would otherwise go to landfill, which in the process has redistributed 1.1 million kilograms of CO2 and 84.4 million litres of water that was embedded in this food. This is the equivalent of filling 2 Boeing 747s with food, taking 253 cars off the road for a year and filling 33 Olympic pools with water.

About Kellogg ANZ

Kellogg products have been making life tastier for almost a century. Since 1924, Kellogg has enriched and delighted Australian and New Zealand consumers through brands including Corn Flakes®, Rice Bubbles®, Nutri-Grain®, Special K®, All-Bran®, Sultana Bran®, Coco Pops®, and Pringles®. Kellogg ANZ sources most ingredients from local farmers, with almost 70 per cent of Kellogg® cereals produced with 70 per cent Aussie ingredients.

About Yume

Yume is an award winning social enterprise, with a vision for a world without waste and is one of only three organisations doing similar work around the world. Yume technology connects food at risk of going to waste from these manufacturers to buyers in the food industry that can use it, and if it can’t be sold, it is offered to food charities for donation with the click of a button. Through more sales and more donations, Yume is significantly reducing the amount of food that ends up going to waste.

About the research:

The research was conducted by Pure Profile in August 2023, surveying 1,007 Australian respondents aged 18-65+ years, nationally representative.

2 [Accessed 17 August 2023]

*Generations categorised as follows (based on 2021 Census figures):

  • Gen Z (born 1997 – 2012) – 20%
  • Millennials (born 1981 – 1996) – 23%
  • Gen X (born 1965 – 1980) – 20%
  • Baby boomers (born 1946 – 1964) – 19%
  • The Traditionalist Generation (born before 1946) – (5%)
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