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The McGrath Foundation has reached the pivotal milestone of funding 200 McGrath Breast Care Nurses across the country, following the appointment of six new nurses in Victoria.

Every year, over 4,700 people in Victoria are diagnosed with breast cancer[1], and one in seven women in Australia will be diagnosed in their lifetime[2], and these six new positions will provide a huge increase in support to families experiencing breast cancer across the state.

Research by the McGrath Foundation shows that early access to a McGrath Breast Care Nurse improves both the outcomes and experience of a person with breast cancer.[3]

McGrath Foundation Ambassador & Director, Tracy Bevan said the new nurses will provide free, specialised support for families facing breast cancer in Victoria.

“McGrath Breast Care Nurses are experts in breast cancer care and help people with breast cancer navigate the complex medical system, from diagnosis and throughout treatment.”

“The appointment of these six new nurses lifts our total nursing workforce to 200 McGrath Breast Care Nurses across Australia, bringing us closer to goal of funding 250 nurses by 2025 as we work towards our mission of ensuring no one misses out on the care of a breast care nurse,” Bevan continued.

The six new McGrath Breast Care Nurses are located at The Alfred, Western Health – Sunshine Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Northern Hospital Epping and Barwon Health’s University Hospital Geelong, with five of the positions dedicated to supporting people with metastatic breast cancer.

Metastatic breast cancer refers to when breast cancer has spread beyond the primary tumour site of the breast to other parts of the body, with the focus of treatment on prolonging life and ensuring quality of life is maximised.

“We know that the needs of those diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer differ to those with early-stage breast cancer, meaning dedicated, expert care is crucial,” Bevan said.

There are currently 50 McGrath Breast Care Nurses throughout Victoria, in regional, rural and metropolitan areas. The support of a McGrath Breast Care Nurse is a free service, no matter where you live, and is available without a referral.

To get in touch your nearest McGrath Breast Care Nurse, visit

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