Support Act’s Help A Mate service

Support act
Support act

support act’s help a mate service


I’m excited to share with you the details of our new Help A Mate service. It’s a bit like GoFundMe, but just for music and not for profit.e

Friends and family of an artist or music worker struggling with a health issue or some other crisis often want to do something to help. Here at Support Act we are often asked if we can help organise a benefit concert or set up an online appeal for someone’s mate.
Help A Mate enables you to do just that. You can now apply online to get your appeal featured on our Help a Mate page. Once we give it the OK, the page will go live so you can get busy raising awareness, spreading the word, and selling tickets or whatever it is you have decided to do to help your mate.
Support Act provides a web platform, secure online donation facility and the charity status you need for donors to benefit from a tax deduction if they donate $2 or more to help your mate. You can see current appeals here.
Once your Help a Mate appeal has concluded, Support Act accounts for the funds and pays them through to your mate. Because the money raised will be a charitable gift it is not subject to tax. Another way to help your mate!
As a small charity we are obliged to charge for this service to cover credit card fees and administration costs. Our charge is 10% of proceeds you raise, capped at a maximum of $5,000. There is nothing to pay upfront; our charge is deducted by us at the end of the appeal. So if you raise $5,000, we will deduct $500. If you raise $100,000 we deduct $5,000.
Support Act ‘s Help A Mate service is an easy, cost effective way of helping a mate – and it works – Support Act has helped the music community raise almost $1million for their mates.
If you want to raise money to help YOUR mate by organising an appeal or event through Support Act, you can find out more info or apply here.
If you have any questions, you can email us via or call us on 1300 731 303.
With best wishes,
Joanna Cave
Chief Executive
Support Act

Thank you for your support of our crisis relief programs for artists and music workers in crisis
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support act’s help a mate service

support act’s help a mate service


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