Friday, August 30, 2024
28.7 C

Tag: Afghanistan


The Anzac legend has blinded Australia to its war atrocities. It’s time for a reckoning

Australian soldiers in the trenches at Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey in 1915.  State Library of Victoria/Wikimedia Commons For years, Australians have...

Changing the culture of our SAS forces is no easy fix. Instead, we need to face the true costs of war

AP Image/Australian Department of Defence Australians will be disheartened by the inspector-general of the Australian Defence Force’s report on war crimes committed by our special forces...

Biden wins – experts on what it means for race relations, US foreign policy and the Supreme Court

Time to embrace a new White House agenda? Jonathan Newton /The Washington Post via Getty Images The American public has had its say and...

The reputation of Australia’s special forces is beyond repair — it’s time for them to be disbanded

Australian Department of Defence Four years into a constant stream of misconduct allegations, it’s hard to know how to process the latest revelations about the actions...