Monday, June 10, 2024
27.9 C

Tag: animal welfare


Not like udder milk: ‘synthetic milk’ made without cows may be coming to supermarket shelves near you

Image: Shutterstock The global dairy industry is changing. Among the disruptions is competition from food alternatives not produced using animals – including potential challenges posed...

Before you hit ‘share’ on that cute animal photo, consider the harm it can cause

Chimpanzees forced to interact with humans can develop stress and other health problems. EPA Limbani the chimpanzee has about 650,000 Instagram followers. In...

Man’s stressed friend: how your mental health can affect your dog

Don’t worry the puppy. Shutterstock/The Vine Studios If you think your dog looks stressed out, it might be your own stress levels that are...

Not just activists, 9 out of 10 people are concerned about animal welfare in Australian farming

The live export of animals the top welfare concern of people in a recent report. AAP Image/Kelly Barnes Recent protests by animal welfare activists on...

Can Labor’s animal welfare plan improve Australia’s lacklustre record?

Labor plans to create a national strategy on animal welfare. Shutterstock Labor has released a six-point plan intended to re-establish national leadership on animal welfare. This plan would...

Pets and owners – you can learn a lot about one by studying the other

The personality of a pet owner can help a veterinarian understand the health and welfare of the pet. Shutterstock/PM Production There’s an old saying that...