Monday, June 10, 2024
27.9 C

Tag: David Lindenmayer - article author


A penguin farm in the Australian desert: a thought experiment that reveals the flaws our in environment laws

Image: Shutterstock Imagine this fictitious scenario. The federal environment minister announces government approval for a large-scale penguin farm near Alice Springs. It will produce 300,000...

Logging is due to start in fire-ravaged forests this week. It’s the last thing our wildlife needs

Picture: Sean Davey/AAP New South Wales’ Forestry Corporation will this week start “selective timber harvesting” from two state forests ravaged by bushfire on the state’s south coast. The...

Logged native forests mostly end up in landfill, not in buildings and furniture

Almost all native forest logging in Victoria is for woodchips, pulp and pallets, which have short lifespans before going to landfill. Janelle Lugge/Shutterstock Victoria has...