Saturday, December 7, 2024
15.8 C

Tag: Hotel


6 Money Saving Tips For Anyone Planning A Summer Getaway

Between the rising cost of living and the decline of the Aussie dollar, it can be hard to save up the money to treat...

David M. Western announces Melbourne + Castlemaine launch shows for nostalgic debut album Child Mind.

“David Western’s songs draw you in so close you feel like you are sitting next to him, and you are reassured by his presence....

Phnom Penh at dusk

Cool and calming magenta hues bathe the Tonle Sap and Mekong rivers junction, as the sun sets on a warm Sunday in the Cambodian...

Beef with a sizzling sauce

Chewy beef and tender noodles are merely supporting cast; the star is the sauce, lightly laced with chilli spice and fortified with Cambodia’s renowned...

Re-cycling the cyclo – good for the air

Great to see so many cyclos back on the streets of Phnom Penh. They’re everywhere, carrying mostly elderly Cambodians – and couriering freight! No...

Don’t blame the angry gecko of Cambodia

An easy read (about a rough trip ). My latest column in Asian Journeys magazine. Please enjoy: The post Don’t blame the angry gecko...