Thursday, June 13, 2024
25.2 C

Tag: social distancing


Lockdowns make people lonely. Here are 3 steps we can take now to help each other

  Picture: Shutterstock Millions of Australians are currently living under lockdowns in an effort to curb the rapid spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19. While...

340,000 Melburnians have little or no parkland within 5km of their home

Picture: AAP Image/David Crosling Under the stage 4 restrictions enforced throughout metropolitan Melbourne, residents can exercise for one hour each day, within five kilometres of their...

Two weeks into Melbourne’s lockdown, why aren’t COVID-19 case numbers going down

David Crosling/AAP Image Fourteen days after Melbourne was put back into lockdown, with the Thursday tally of 484 new cases in Victoria makes for dispiriting...

‘Kissing can be dangerous’: how old advice for TB seems strangely familiar today

Image: Shuttlestock We’ve been reminded about avoiding hugging or kissing, especially among large family groups, in light of the recent Melbourne coronavirus clusters. But alerting the...

4 ways our streets can rescue restaurants, bars and cafes after coronavirus

Picture: Nils Versemann/Shutterstock As Australia re-opens, the bars, cafes and restaurants that give life to our streets face a tough ask: stay open and stay...

New shows tell our isolation stories on screen – making the most of what’s at hand

Oma in Coronavirus & Me. iWonder/7Plus Coronavirus & Me is the kind of hybrid user-generated television production we can expect to see more of in coming months. With...