The Top Five Features to Look for in a Student Management System

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A student management system is designed to assist teachers and students in the learning process to make it more efficient and organized. An optimized management system can help students during the entire learning journey from the recruitment process to graduation. This is why it is so important to choose the right student management system. This article provides the top five the most necessary features that should be included in the student management system to ensure good organization, flexibility, and optimal level of synchronicity.

Why is the usage of the student management system so important?

It is quite clear that a student management system is still considered an emerging trend. Students and teachers used to manage the entire learning process simply with paper-based notebooks, journals, and handouts up to the last decade.

The implementation of student management systems led to the following benefits:

  • Boosting students’ motivation and performance;
  • Optimization and easy organization of the learning process;
  • Improved real-time communication and getting quickly updated;
  • Easy access to students’ records by all parties (students, teachers, parents, administration);
  • The integration of all departments of the entire institution.

This list is obviously not finished: the usage of student management systems is beneficial in many ways. At the same time, only systems that include all required features can bring about positive changes.

Without any doubts, any student management system should possess such characteristics as curriculum and schedule management, organizational reporting, completion of courses, assessment, enrolment process, fees, admissions, support centre. In addition to that, the system should be easy-to-use and with an intuitive, user-friendly interface. 

Let’s look closer at the standard student management system features that must be included in the chosen system:

  1. E-portfolio tracking system

First of all, any student management system should implement a personalized tracking system. This feature will provide students and teachers with visibility of learning progress, which makes the collaboration between students and teachers more effective.

  1. Reports and Tracking System Analysis

Second, a student management system should involve such features as analysis and reports generation. A tracking system does not help very much if there is no analysis or suggestions that come with it. The analysis function allows teachers to accurately predict the learning outcomes based on a student’s previous achievements.

Furthermore, it would be useful for teachers to have access to the report generation function. Thanks to this function, a teacher can access to the learning achievement trends that exist in the classroom.

  1. Integration and Cloud Automation

Third, student management system should be highly integrated and cloud-based. This function is useful in organizing diverse information and solving different sorts of issues faced by the institution, students, or teachers. Optimized cloud automation in the student management system allows an institution and teachers to keep records stored in the cloud. Automation enables students to get the required records at any time.

Integration also means that the student management system should connect and integrate different departments of the same institution (HR, Finances, Enrollment Commission, etc.). It is also possible for HR to keep teachers and students’ CV and motivational letters at hand. In addition, some management systems can help students in finding a part-time job right on the platform. If you are a busy teacher or student who needs to update your CV, you may consider this cv writing company or other similar services.

  1. Students Records Data Security

As it was mentioned before, a student management system allows institutions to keep students records on the institution’s online cloud. Therefore, it is highly important to make sure that nobody can edit or delete the existing records since it will lead to severe consequences. An optimized student management system should provide the institution with high levels of security, privacy, and protection. This can be achieved with the help of role-based permissions for teachers or other positions who are allowed to enter the data. Students and parents can only have access but cannot be admitted to change anything in the given section.

  1. Get Mobile

Nowadays, people tend to quickly access information not with the help of desktop but using their mobile phones. Therefore, it is better to choose student management systems that have developed and introduced their own mobile apps. These mobile applications allow students to check their records and learning plan information, suggestions, and homework instructions in real-time. In addition, the applications need to provide teachers with an opportunity to keep track of all their students’ activities (attendance, grades, assignment completion) day by day. The application should be easily accessed and correctly displayed on all types of mobile devices and operating systems.

Furthermore, applications in student management will surely organize activities with the help of notification or sms/whatsapp messages. Notifications and messaging can remind a student about an important deadline or just notify about new information or a teacher’s message.

As we know, all spheres of life need to embrace the emergence of cutting-edge technologies. Obviously, educators’ task is to use this fast-emerging trend to increase students’ achievements. The student management system is one of the most valuable and useful tools for all educational institutions that are willing to be technology-driven.

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