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Tomas Pool

There is a massive surge in ‘green’ jobs nationally, with the number of positions jumping by 38.5 per cent over the last seven years, according to the Global Green Skills report.

A move by the Federal Government to hand over the management of vast tracts of land to Aboriginal Land Councils is also driving demand for more conservation skills.

Through its Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management, TAFE NSW is arming students with the practical experience and specialist skills to give them an advantage in the booming ‘green’ jobs market.
Current TAFE NSW Taree student, Tomas Pool, is already working in the field, employed as a bush regenerator for Natural Resources Group.

“I’ve always had a passion for the environment and outdoors. I grew up in the bush in Elands as part of a very green family in a house that was completely solar powered, and my mum worked in horticulture. Growing up in that scene, I got to know plants and see how they grow. Plants are the primary producers, and they can be overwhelming, but there’s so much to learn.

“I studied ecology at university and have experience in botany, zoology, and even avocado farming, but I wanted to add to my passion, so I chose TAFE NSW to get more hands-on skills. This added to my knowledge and skillset which really helped with finding local work.

“My current role is focused on regenerating the land to its natural state by encouraging regrowth of the native habitat through removal of threatening weeds like lantana. We aim to limit chemical usage and do most of this by hand, so the practical skills I gained at TAFE NSW really helped.

“Through TAFE NSW, I learned about cultural methods around land management, and at Natural Resources Group we work hand in hand with the Local Aboriginal Land Council and Tide Rangers. This is an area where
I’d like to get even more experience, as well as focus on the scientific side of ecosystem management,” Tomas said.

Landcare NSW is the peak body for local Landcare Groups across the state and represents a community-based approach to managing and protecting natural resources. Group Coordinator of Manning Landcare Group, Lyn Booth, has encouraged more local students to undertake Conservation and Ecosystem Management studies with TAFE NSW.

“The Manning region is facing issues including landscape degradation, soil erosion, soil health issues, and changing climate, which brings greater risks and more extremes that affect animal health, among other things. Manning Landcare is focussed on planting riverbanks, regenerative farming techniques, and supporting land holders to learn new skills in managing their own land.

“We need more people on the ground and TAFE NSW is giving students the knowledge and hands-on experience to make a big difference,” Ms Booth said.

Both Tomas and Lyn have encouraged people interested in making a difference to get involved through volunteering.

“It’s easy to get out there and get involved,” Tomas said. “Connecting with local groups is a good way to get known, broaden your knowledge, or find work. Get adventurous and explore, have some fun, and get to know your local environment through citizens science. If you want to turn your passion into a career, TAFE NSW is the best place to start.”


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