I am going on fifty one years of age and it behoves me to say that you weak, self satisfied peers of mine, the “New Forties” – ex hippies, activists (Ahh, the halcyon days of picketing Woolies frozen food cabinets for fear they were selling South African whiting – Zanu Zapu, dude!), bikies, surfers, Viet vets, musicians, strippers and pros, musicians, radical feminists and homosexuals have bailed out on your ideologies. The Counter Culture was extant in the seventies and eighties, but now it appears to have drifted away. Or has it?

We have a broad and complex society now, but in 1972 with an illegal war raging and the Liberal government assaulting people protesting the stupidity of fighting others battles and oppressive industrial relations laws, people stood up and said we will have no more of this imposed on us and voted the bastards out.

History has proven that when Australians are battered and brow beaten, when admonished for their fervent belief in a fair go for all, they stand up and say ‘No more’.

Wakey, wakey!!! Break out the patchouli oil and start marching!!!

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