WAM Safety In Music Initiatives

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WAM strongly believes that anyone working within – or interacting with – any aspect of the music sector should feel safe and secure. We are committed to supporting the development of a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive community, through offering a series of Safety in Music initiatives and resources.

We resolutely support a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to discrimination, bullying, harassment or any other form of anti-social behaviour.

The task of achieving a safe environment is significant, complex, and ever-changing. By virtue of this challenge, it is an ongoing and evolving program, and we are committed to keeping the community informed of the progress and providing you with all and any relevant information and support resources.

WAM is currently focussed on a range of Safety in Music initiatives:

  1. Establishing a series of forums and Safety in Music workshops, engaging with key experts in law, mental health, and support services | Safety In Music Forum

  2. Formulation of a focus group facilitated by a Diversity and Inclusion specialist to improve the WAMAwards nomination and judging processes in relation to people who identify as BIPOC.

  3. Ongoing gender equity activities and research including the launch of the Fair Play WA report and recommendations | Fair Play WA

  4. Delivering the Women’s Music Network (WMN) meetings on a regular basis.

  5. Establishment of key resources page on the WAM website | Safety In Music Support & Resources

  6. Establishment of the WAM Diversity Committee, a dedicated working group focused on diversity, equity, safety, and education in our industry; and the development of programs, procedures, and policy to promote safety in the WA music community.

  7. Promotion of a diverse and inclusive workplace culture.

  8. Ensuring our Workplace and Harassment Policy always remains current and relevant.

Importantly, if you, or any one you know, has experienced any form of unacceptable behaviour, and need to find how to get support, or want to know about any activities and programs currently being developed, they can be found HERE.

Finally, if you have any general feedback or ideas to support WAM’s Safety in Music activities please contact us hello@wam.org.au

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