WAM unveil Wide Open Road: The West Australian Music Podcast


Sharing the diverse stories of people in WA contemporary music across the decades.

After months of hard work behind the scenes, we’re excited to share Wide Open Road: The West Australian Music Podcast, a podcast series sharing the diverse stories of people in WA contemporary music across the decades.

Wide Open Road is a celebration of the richness and diversity of WA’s music community; from journalists and music managers through to musicians, photographers and music historians. Through the stories of these people, it explores the landscape of WA’s contemporary music across the decades from the suburban pop, rock and blues of the 60s and 70s through to the wide-reaching, genre-blending artists of today.

Hosted by WA musician, RTRFM presenter and WAM Audience Development Officer, Em Burrows, Wide Open Road delves beneath the surface in the search for WA music’s unheard stories and unique perspectives. Each episode features a long-form interview with a special guest and provides a rare insight into their personal stories and life in music.

The first series features eight episodes recorded at SAE Institute and, in some cases, via Zoom. Guests include Perth’s Afro-Kreol queen Grace Barbé, seasoned rock journalist Bob Gordon, and LA based electronic musician/producer Kučka.

Podcast host Em Burrows says, “Having the chance to sit down with some of the great characters and quiet achievers of WA music over the past few months has been an immense pleasure and privilege for me.

“Hearing about people’s lives is always humbling and inspiring but it’s finding the common threads that is really cool. For example, finding out that both Kučka and Dave Faulkner identify daydreaming as an important part of their creative process was fascinating. They’re

making completely different music and are from different generations but they share common ideas and practices.

“From Bob Gordon’s stories of interviewing Jeff Buckley and trading quips with Gene Simmons, through to Jodie Regan’s journey from Fremantle booking agent to manager of one of the biggest rock bands in the world, I hope that Wide Open Road captures some of the amazing depth in WA’s unique music history.”


Episode 1: Kučka
Episode 2: Grace Barbé
Episode 3: Dave Faulkner
Episode 4: Eduardo Cossio
Episode 5: Jodie Reagan
Episode 6: Nelson Mondlane
Episode 7: Bob Gordon
Episode 8: Rachael Dease

All episodes of Wide Open Road: The West Australian Music Podcast can be streamed at podcast.wam.org.au, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

The post WAM unveil Wide Open Road: The West Australian Music Podcast appeared first on WAM.

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