WARRIORS – Short Film Tackles Tall Subject


Australia is blessed with creative talent when it comes to film. Some of that talent ends up in Hollywood or other major production towns around the globe. Much of that talent commences with small independent productions and it seems as though we are constantly uncovering new talent, be that in writers, production and film crews or actors. Here is a story on some of that new talent!

This article presents to you the story behind a new and exciting short film called Warriors!

The Warriors team is made up of Emma Monk, Shannon Walters and Lisa Morel who have written, produced, directed and starred in this independent production. With the added vision of a local up and coming cinematographer, Sebastian Kaczorowski, together they are bringing to life a short film that tackles the difficult issues surrounding child abuse.

Production Team photo from left to right:
Sebastian Kaczorowski– Cinemotographer.
Lisa Morel– Producer
Shannon Walters– Co-writer Director
Emma Monk– Writer, Actor

Click image for larger version.  Name: Warriors-Production-Team.jpg  Views: 1  Size: 49.2 KB  ID: 28970
The Warriors team

The Warriors project has brought together a band of talented cast and crew from across the country. The plot follows 11 year old Jade played by Sassy Soupidis, as she begins her journey from victim to survivor and how her experience resurrects buried turmoil in the one person who can help her. We are so very lucky to have some exceptionally brave and talented young actors on board that are passionate about the project and are keen to add their own voices to the cause in support of children everywhere.

Click image for larger version.  Name: Sassy Soupidis.jpg  Views: 1  Size: 40.6 KB  ID: 28972
Sassy Soupidis

Child protection as a whole is such an overwhelming and alarmingly common problem in today’s society and it is for this reason we have purposely explored the subject matter from a place of empowerment.

Warriors has been designed to inspire and educate. We are giving the audience the chance to watch along as one little girl’s courage sets in motion a ripple effect that helps to heal wounds that even she was unaware of. We hope that viewers take away a piece of this story and it sparks a conversation, about how we as a society can combat the ever growing instance of children having to face these issues.

We feel truly blessed to have such a talented cast donating their time to the project. We have some exceptionally talented actors including Stephen Mahy, Lara Spaggiari, Dinda Timperon and our very own Emma Monk who stars as Jade’s teacher Stephanie.

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Stephen Mahy
Click image for larger version.  Name: Lara-Spaggiari.jpg  Views: 1  Size: 43.3 KB  ID: 28966
Lara Spaggiari


Click image for larger version.  Name: Dinda-Timperon.jpg  Views: 1  Size: 45.1 KB  ID: 28964
Dinda Timperton
Click image for larger version.  Name: Emma-Monk.jpg  Views: 1  Size: 48.9 KB  ID: 28965
Emma Monk

The Toorak Times through TAGG is pleased to assist this production through promotion, and we encourage as many readers as possible to show their support for this independent production.

With casting complete and as shooting looms near, the team are focused on raising some funds to help with the last of the equipment hire and post production costs. The Toorak Times and the Warriors team would love if people could drop by our funding campaign page and check out how the cool ways in which they can get involved with the project by clicking on the Warriors Make It Happen.

You can find out more about the project and keep up to date with all the news by checking out their website or Facebook page – click the True Beam image.

Check out a short clip of the film by clicking on the the Warriors picture –

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Rob Greaves
I have been with the Toorak Times since April 2012. I worked as Senior Editor of the Toorak Times for 10 years before retiring in 2012. I continue now as an occasional feature writer. I've been in the Australian music scene as a musician since 1964, and have worked in radio and TV and newspapers (when they were paper ), serious experience in audio editing, and a lot of video editing experience. I retired from paid radio work in 2022 and took up a position in the Education Centre at Puffing Billy