What type of bed should you buy? Adjustable bed or Electric bed


We all know that adjustable beds are the best for comfort when sleeping, but where do you even start? How do I know I am getting the right bed, the right mattress? There are so many different types of mattresses that are on offer for your adjustable bed, so it is very important to do your research, ask questions and test as many adjustable beds and mattresses that you can. 

Adjustable beds

There are many different styles of adjustable beds that are on the market. You should think about your current room and how much space you have and what your sleeping preferences are. Measure your area take note if you would prefer two separate mattresses or one whole one. Tke into the account of other persons sleeping with you in the adjustable bed. 

Adjustable beds are great if you are recovering from a sports injury, suffering from back pains and aches. There are different types of beds for everyone from the young and fit, pregnant and seniors. Once you have decided on the adjustable beds you are after you can now look at your mattress. 

Different types of mattresses that are available.

You may not be aware of the wide variety of mattresses that are available for adjustable beds in adelaide. You cannot just go and buy a normal mattress for your new adjustable bed, you are going to need a specially designed mattress for it. Here are the different materials you can have your mattress made from. 

Memory foam Memory foam is the most popular material for adjustable beds adelaide. They offer the most support and conform to your body shape allowing all of your body weight to be supported without straining a particular part of your body. Memory foam beds Adelaide flexes easily with adjustable beds making them the most popular option for many. 


Latex mattresses are very similar to memory foam mattresses in the way they are made from foam, although they are more ridgid not allowing them to be as comfortable as a memory foam mattress. Also because of the rigidness of these style of beds you need to opt for a thinner thickness to allow them to contort and bend with the adjustable bed. 


Airbed style mattresses allow you to adjust your comfort by increasing and decreasing the amount of air pressure in the chambers of the bed. You cannot just use any air mattress you are going to need to invest in a specified air mattress for the adjustable beds. There are models that have multiple air chambers but just be aware that air mattresses are not generally recommended for support simply because when they bend the airflow in the mattress can be disrupted resulting in loss of comfort. 


Hybrid mattresses are another great option for adjustable beds, they are a mix of foam with pocketed coils allowing for ultimate comfort and support without the stress of strings breaking when the mattress bends with the adjustable bed. The foam allows the mattress to be comfortable to rest on and the sleeved coils give more flexibility to the mattress so you can bend your mattress just as you like. 

For all things electric beds, talk to Ultramatic today.

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