Directed by Lloyd Jones Performed by Fin Fletcher and Zachary Kazepis

Two kids, two ruined lives. So many fairy tales. Far too many fairy tales. So many that after a while you may not be able to put up with them. But these kids have to, because it is their lives. You are just the audience.

Inspired by actual events, Windows is an original work by Ayse Bayramoglu which is both beautiful and confronting, giving the audience a glimpse into the lives of two very different children, the relationship that they have, and the stories that they share.

Exploring the themes of isolation, poverty and abuse, Windows tells a dark and moving story of survival, hardship and enduring spirit through the friendship of two children, Huso and Esme.

In a town where everybody know each other’s business, Huso and Esme find themselves alone and vulnerable, struggling day by day in a cruel and patriarchal community.

Through the characters of Huso and Esme, Windows presents a poignant examination of the ways in which children suffering from abuse cope and survive in these circumstances; and the ways these situations can ultimately change them.

At La Mama Theatre, 205 Faraday Street, Carlton

Opening Wednesday March 15, until Sunday March 19 | Wed 6.30pm, Thurs – Sat 7.30pm, Sun 4pm

Approximately 50 minutes

Available via: | 03 9347 6142

Windows was originally performed by Ebony Beaton and Sam Duncan, as a Rehearsed Reading at La Mama Courthouse, February 2016

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