5 Top Tips on How to Stay Safe While Doing Home Renovations


While we don’t want to dampen your DIY fun with health and safety drawl, we do think it’s important to take the necessary steps to keep yourself safe – especially when you’re taking on those more challenging home renovation projects.

Every year, thousands of people end up in the Emergency Room after DIY jobs have gone disastrously wrong.

So to make sure you don’t become part of this statistic, we’ve brought you our top 5 tips on how us DIYers can stay safe:

  1. Get the Right Tools and Look After Them

They say a workman is only as good as his tools, and we wholeheartedly agree with this statement.

Before you start any project, you should make sure you’ve got the right tools for the job (places like RS Components are ideal for everything from pincers to spanners). Then, take care of your tools to ensure they’re always in full working order and will offer the high-quality finish you want.

Never use damaged products, especially if they’re electrical. Ask a technician whether it’s safe to use, and if not, replace it.

  1. Keep a First Aid Kit Handy

Even though you don’t want to think about the worst-case scenario, it’s a good idea to be prepared – just in case.

Basic first aid kits come with everything you need and can be easily accessed when required (which hopefully they won’t be). Also, make sure you keep it well stocked and haven’t buried it underneath piles of stuff so it’s hard to get at if you need it.

  1. Use the 4-to-1 Ladder Rule

This general rule suggests that when you’re placing a ladder against a wall, every four feet of height needs to be met with a foot away from the wall. So if you extend the ladder to eight feet, this should be two feet away from the wall.

Always check the instructions that come with your ladder too as these will depict the height and weight limits of the ladder. And check that the ladder will reach to where you need to be – don’t over-stretch when you’re on it as this is when most accidents happen.

  1. Wear the Right Get-Up

You don’t need to dress up like you’re shooting your own DIY show for TV, so make sure your attire is all about being practical. Avoid long, loose sleeves, bracelets, watches and anything else that could get caught up in your equipment.

Furthermore, wearing safety accessories is a must if you’re doing certain jobs. For example, anything that can cause debris or dust should be met with safety glasses and a mask, while loud power tools should be used alongside earplugs to protect your ears.

  1. Respect Your Power Tools

You may be a dab hand at DIY but when you get a new power tool, make sure you read the instructions in detail first. Don’t second-guess how it works. Manufacturers have their instructions, precautions and warnings in place for a reason, so take heed of these, including their advice that the appliance should be set as “OFF” before being plugged into the socket.

Once you’re underway with these tools, don’t leave them unattended. Always unplug them when you’re leaving the room and make sure kids have no access to them.

Armed with all of the above tips, you shouldn’t just get your jobs done safely but quickly and efficiently, too!

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