6 Reasons To Add Broome To Your Bucket List This 2019

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Everyone loves a little getaway every once in a while. Having time away from your stressful work, annoying neighbors and the noisy city life is always nice. If you want a magical holiday getaway, then you seriously need to consider Broome as your next holiday destination.

Broome is one of Australia’s world-famous hotspot thanks to its romantic vibe and exotic beauty. There’s so many fun things to do and amazing places to visit this side of Western Australia. Here are six of the best reasons you should book for a Luxury Accommodation Broome for you and your family ASAP.

The “Staircase to the Moon” is Rare, but not in Broome.

Roebuck Bay is one of the luckiest places on Earth where you can see the “Staircase to the Moon” phenomenon. This out of this world scene happens when the great Luna rises over the mudflats during extremely low tide, thus creating the illusion of sparkling flight stairs leading you up to the full moon.

You get to See the only Horizontal Falls in the World.

The Horizontal falls got its name thanks to a large amount of water forcing its way through in between two narrow cliffs, creating a unique sideways waterfall effect. Adrenaline junkies will surely love to experience the rush that comes with zooming through the water of the Horizontal Falls.

Good Read: Australia’s most unusual natural wonder

Sunset Camel Rides in Cable Beach is Always a Favourite.

Would you rather ride a camel or watch a beautiful sunset? Why choose one when you can do both! A 1-hour ride at the back of a camel while you watch the lovely sunset kiss the beach goodnight is always an excellent way to end a peaceful day at the beach.

The 3-hour Four-wheel Drive towards Cape Leveque is so Worth it.

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What’s so great about a 3-hour road trip? You can get lost with the scenic views and exotic wildlife along the way. Once you get to Cape Leveque, you get to meet Humpback whales and adorable Snubfin dolphins up close. Many tourists also love swimming, fishing and snorkelling in the sparkling waters, so make sure to pack your favourite swimming gear!

The Courthouse Market is a Must-visit place in Broome.

Everyone wants a good deal on high-quality meals, produce and even art. What better way to spend your day than a chill morning stroll at Courthouse Market? With 150 stalls to explore, you’ll be able to eat good food and find the perfect souvenirs for family and friends back home!

The Exotic Hand-crafted beers at Matso’s Brewery is a Must-try!

If you’re looking for great food, exotic, cold and tasty beer and fantastic service, then you won’t be disappointed at Matso’s Brewery in Broome. The staffs will treat you as a regular, and will only serve the best every single time. There are many reasons why people go back to Broome, and the beer here will always be one of the least expected ones in the list.

There are more to see, visit and experience while in Broome, Australia. Book for a Luxury Accommodation Broome and pack your bags because it’s going to be a fantastic ride you’d want to experience more than once in a lifetime.

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