A Very Koorie Krismas

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Kick-off the festive season in Koorie style with A Very Koorie Krismas at Federation Square on Sunday 8 December 2019, 11 am-4 pm

Experience the magic of A Very Koorie Krismas with free activities for families throughout the day and performances from singer-songwriter Wergaia and Wemba Wemba woman Alice SkyeCarissa Watts, Yorta Yorta Dja Dja Wurrung singer songwriter; Djirri Djirri Dance Group and IHHP (Indigenous Hip Hop Projects).

There will also be a range of free workshops for kids and families. 

Koorie Klaus will also be coming to town, with a special appearance at 3.30pm.  

a very koorie krismas

At the same time, the Koorie Krismas Market will also showcase art, craft and design from the Victorian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Here you will be able to buy unique Koorie Krismas gifts of exquisite jewellery, hand woven baskets, artwork, clothes, native bush products and much more.


Featured stalls include:  Haus of Dizzy; Gammin Threads; Miss Emily Aboriginal Arts; Karroong Craft; Yarn Strong Sista; and shopKOORIE along with many others. 


Presented by the Koorie Heritage Trust in partnership with Federation Square, A Very Koorie Krismas, Sunday 8 December 2019, 11am-4pm.  Federation Square.  Free.  www.koorieheritagetrust.com.au

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