All You Need To Know About Memorabilia Framing

memorabilia framing
memorabilia framing

What is Memorabilia Framing?

When you look back at life the only thing that remains is your memories. All your life you try to capture the good moments or save something concrete of the time which was good enough that you would want to replay it over and again. It is so because at times you need validation in your life and often a thing which you can touch, feel with your senses, is what backs your memories to make you believe in a good time.

This is when memorabilia framing helps you. There are various companies that offer to take care of the things which you would always want to keep with yourself by framing them. Framing is done in a manner that protects the thing from dust, sun and anything that might damage it to keep it as original and fresh as it was on the day it belongs to.

There are various categories of items which are framed. The few general categories include sports memorabilia, travel memorabilia, theatre memorabilia, school memorabilia, family memorabilia and wedding memorabilia etcetera. 

The Process of Memorabilia Framing:

It is essential to know the process of Memorabilia Framing because then you know the myriad options you can choose to make your memorabilia stand out as per your wish.


The first thing is the framer. No, not all the framers are the same. For your memorabilia framing, you need to search for them. Then, choose someone you have good reviews of, are not too expensive and have samples of their work which matches the kind of framing you want. Once you have a fine and trustworthy framer, you can go through the plethora of things that go into the making of a frame.


When you look at the frames you can choose to put your memorabilia in, it is easy to get confused. There are so many good options that it becomes frustrating to choose the perfect frame. Here, you have to focus on three things to choose the best frame:

  • What is it that is going to make your memorabilia stand out?
  • Where are you going to put or hand your memorabilia? (For example any specific room in your home or your office.)
  • What are your personal wishes for the framing of your memorabilia?

Mat Boards:

Mat boards are the cardboards that surround your memorabilia in a frame. You have an option to opt-out of it. However, mat boards provide support to the whole frame and promise longevity to your memorabilia.

If you want a mat board to go into the process of your framing, you have three options to choose from. The best one for any memorabilia is the standard mats. They are free of acid and lignin so you can be sure that they will not damage your memorabilia.  The other option is conservation mats. These ones are expensive because they are treated with chemicals to make sure they keep your memorabilia fresh. The last option is the mats used in museums. These are the most expensive mats as they are pure cotton thus naturally free of acid.


Mount is the foam that goes right beneath the object you is getting framed. Here you just have two options to choose from. If you have a good framer, you can trust him/her to make this decision for you. The usual foam core is generally a solid option. It is acid-free to make sure it does not affect your memorabilia. However, if your thing is going to stick down in a frame, you should rather consider adhesive foam core.


You have a few options when it comes to glass and it is one of the things that make a huge difference to how your memorabilia look.

  • Clear Float Glass:

If you are going to put your memorabilia in a normal or dim lighted room, it is amazing to opt for this. This option is the least expensive of all. Thus, this is the standard option. However, it is a reflective glass and will not look good in a highly lit area. 

  • Non-Reflective or Non-Glare Glass:

This glass as the name suggests is non-reflective. The good thing is that this glassworks great in well-lit areas. However, it tends to make the colors of your memorabilia look dull. 

  • UV Glass:

As the name goes, this glass is specifically designed to make your memorabilia protect from the UV rays thus protecting the colors and quality of your memorabilia. This glass only comes in non-glare is quite expensive.

  • Museum Glass:

This is the greatest of all options with nothing to lose. It is a non-glare glass with UV protection and enhanced brightness and contrasts to protect the beauty and originality of the memorabilia. However, it is the most expensive option of all.

However, after being confused about all the given options you can set aside everything and can also opt for a basic memorabilia framing which would not require any elongate thought process.

Types of Frames:

We have discussed the three things you should be focused on when choosing a frame for your memorabilia earlier. Once you have a clear picture of what you want in your mind, it becomes fascinating to go through the options you have for your frames. Hereunder the major types of frames to opt from:

Wood Frames:

Wood is the classic option. No matter where you want to keep your memorabilia, wood stands out and makes your memorabilia look an ageless beauty. With wood, you can choose if you want to go for a darker or a lighter wood. The color palette of Dark Wood includes the dark tones of red, orange and dark brown. However, the Light Wood includes the light tones of the same colors.

Monochromatic Frames:

These frames are the vogue today and compliment the minimalist style of the place you want to put the memorabilia in. The Black frame offers you a bold look. However, with black color, you have to adjust it with lighter colors so that the color of the frame does not dull your memorabilia. White frames are chic and have a quality of making your memorabilia stand out automatically.

Metal Frames:

These frames have the cool aura to them and make your memorabilia stand out in a trendy setting. This option goes highly with the setting you want to place your frame in. One other good point about the metal frame is they tend to stand the test of time.


It is not exactly a frame but is a cool and fresh option if you want to put some of your art in your room. This is one of the most trending options these days. However, this option fails to protect your memorabilia and will damage it eventually.

What to do about 2D and 3D Memorabilia Framing?

Framing Options for 2D Memorabilia:

You have many options if you have a 2D memorabilia that is if your memorabilia is flat. It includes cards, posters, pictures, signatures, autographs, and newspaper clippings etcetera. You can go for any option discussed throughout the article and easily have the perfect frame for it. In fact, there are more than 3000 options to choose the frame from. These options do not only make your memorabilia stand out but also protect it from UV, dust, time and other things that could damage a precious thing of yours.

Framing Option for 3D Memorabilia:

3D memorabilia are the things that have more dimensions to it. These can include sports jerseys, medals, trophies, costumes, shoes, sports equipment, and props etcetera. These things need the kind of framing which makes the whole thing stand out. Unfortunately, there is only one option to frame the 3D memorabilia, unlike the 2D ones. That option is Shadow Box. These are Plexiglas boxes that provide dust and UV protection. These do not have a specific frame to compliment it as these boxes are made to focus completely on the memorabilia. The depth of the box depends upon the width and size of the memorabilia. The only thing that can be added for the sake of complimenting the memorabilia is the colored mat boards.


Everyone is one way or another has an emotional affiliation with certain stuff either it is related to his/her hobbies, travel souvenirs or memories from their special life events. Once you are ready to take your memorabilia to the amazing framer you have chosen, it is always a great idea to take:

  1. Some color swatches of the room/area the memorabilia will be placed in,
  2. A photo of the whole place and the specific area where you want to hang or place your memorabilia in,
  3. Related extra items in case you want to add some context to your memorabilia,
  4. And a note or date that you want to add to the frame.

This always saves you an extra visit and your framer is able to do the best job that he is capable of. Good Luck!

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