Breast Cancer & Ovarian Cancer – Early Detection is now even easier!

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There is now a new, more comprehensive genetic test, BraOvo that tests up to 12 genetic risk factors for breast and ovarian cancer. This breakthrough in testing is helping those at risk to get early treatment.

The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons representative to the Cancer Council Victoria, Dr Nicole Yap, has seen first-hand the benefits of this lifesaving test.

Dr Nicole Yap, encourages people with a family history of breast and ovarian cancer to consider taking the more comprehensive BraOvo Genetic Test.
“As with all Cancers, better diagnostic testing can mean early intervention, better treatment and better outcomes for patients and their families”

BraOvo genetic testing identifies the 12 most common genetic mutations- including BRCA 1 and 2, which increase the risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer in the individual’s lifetime. Most individuals with these mutations will develop breast cancer at a much younger age.

Dr Nicole Yap is Melbourne based Breast Oncoplastic surgeon and is the founder of the Australian Breast Care Centre.

The Toorak Times tasked our chief photographer to meet with one of Dr. Nicole Yap’s generous patients who was willing to share her story.

breast cancer & ovarian cancer – early detection is now even easier

Meg was concerned about developing breast cancer, as her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at 45 years of age and died at age 49 when Meg was only 20 years old.

Speaking exclusively to the Toorak Times, Dr. Yap said “When I diagnosed her five centimetre breast cancer, Meg was 38 and pregnant with her third child. We had a lot of issues with deciding how to manage this and save her unborn child. Meg went straight to theatre where I performed a mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with a lymph node biopsy. Unfortunately, the lymph node already had cancer in it, and I had to remove the rest of the lymph nodes. I saved one breast so that she could breastfeed. During this time we monitored the child and she started chemotherapy – the pregnancy went to full term, allowing her to give birth to a healthy girl.”
breast cancer & ovarian cancer – early detection is now even easierbreast cancer & ovarian cancer – early detection is now even easier
She is still undergoing chemotherapy and has undergone genetic testing, which has since revealed that she is BRCA gene mutation positive.

This is a success story, but this whole series of events could have been averted had she undergone gene mutation testing earlier.

Meg is one of the lucky ones as she now has her full family and is currently in remission.

breast cancer & ovarian cancer – early detection is now even easier


People who have any of the following:

  1. Family history of breast cancer in 1st or 2nd degree relatives
  2. Family history of ovarian cancer in 1st or 2nd degree relatives
  3. Family history of male breast cancer
  4. Are of Ashkenazi Jewish decent


  1. Obtain a GP referral to a Breast Specialist with an interest in Genetic testing.
  2. Consultation with Breast Specialist and referral for blood test for either BRCA 1/2 or Bra Ovo depending on family history, at either Dorevitch or Melbourne Pathology collection centres
  3. After 3-4 weeks, consultation with breast specialist for result.
  4. Action according to result
  • POSITIVE – Preventative surgery or increased breast surveillance.

NEGATIVE – doesn’t necessarily mean there is NO genetic mutation but rather it was not in the test. Must still adhere to strict surveillance protocol.

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Lord Murray Schoorman
Lord Murray SCHOORMAN is a dynamic media industry entrepreneur. Commencing his own media production powerhouse in 2001, Peak Hour Images has leaped from strength to strength in an everchanging content production landscape. Lord Murray is also a long-standing member of the Melbourne Press Club and The National Press Club of Australia. In November 2013 Lord Murray Schoorman was appointed a position on the committee of the Fitzroy Street Trader's Association & within a year he was promoted to the position of Vice President of the association. He proudly held this position for over 3 years, working closely with the major events department of the City of Port Phillip and various other stakeholders. Little known fact; Lord Murray is also a qualified senior firefighter with over 13 years experience on the frontline of high-profile international motorsport.