Careers for Net Zero Fair Debuts in Melbourne

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The Clean Energy Council and the Energy Efficiency Council are partnering to host the inaugural Careers for Net Zero Fair, inviting everyday Australians to learn more about career pathways that support net zero emissions, and how their skills can be used to accelerate our nation’s growing clean economy.

Held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, the free event will give attendees the opportunity to rub shoulders with industry leaders, learn about the rewarding benefits of entering rapidly growing and innovative sectors, as well as discover current job opportunities, connect with recruiters, and build valuable industry connections.

The event will be the first of its kind and aims to inspire and attract more workers to actively choose a clean economy career path to ensure Australia’s workforce is equipped with the right skills to achieve the nation’s 2030 emissions reduction and net zero target by 2050.

The Careers for Net Zero Fair is expected to attract 5,000 visitors, including recent graduates, seasoned professionals, students, migrant workers, educators, job hunters and more from across the nation.

For more information about the Careers for Net Zero Fair and how to register, visit

What: Careers for Net Zero Fair 2023

Date: Thursday 26 October 2023

Time: 9:00 AM – 5 PM

Where: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre (MCEC), 1 Convention Centre Place, Melbourne

Price: Free

Careers for Net Zero Fair

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